May 26, 2006 23:14
So there I was, downloading field data to my computer, sitting in a quaint little cabin in Old Crow, a very small native village in the northern Yukon Territory. Now, I have been to Old Crow several times for field work, and while I enjoy staying there and chatting with the residents, it normally lacks for any TV availability. Maybe it was because I was still cruisin' on the GSR ship from last week or maybe I was just needing to distract my overloaded brain from all those data points, but I found myself flipping on the tube after all my companions headed for bed. Lo and behold, the place had a sat dish and there was a bajillion channels. Some were in French, of course, which didn't mean much to me. However for the next 4 hours CSI was on some channel somewhere on the sat menu. It was freakin' unbelievable! I don't have it that good in Alaska!! So, yeah, I guess you could say I am looking forward to my next trip in a couple of weeks. Who woulda thunk it? I may have to consider getting dual citizenship.