So, whats it like?

Mar 05, 2004 18:51

Humm, I guess I'll use today as the 'info day'....where I've been, what I'm like. So I guess we're up to the what I'm like phase. Adventure, Excitement....a jedi craves not these things. If there was one word to describe me, it would be patient. I mean, if somethings got to happen then I make it happen...but most of the time I just remain calm. One person told me that 'no matter what happens, nothing seems to bother you'...which is fairly true. Yeah you may piss me off, but you can't change the just let it be. Thats not to say I'll just forget it, 'cause I'll always remember...and I'll always give someone a second chance. But 2 is as far as I go. I read on one of my frequent boards 'once a mistake, twice a habit'. Thats the truth.

My interests, Tech stuff. If its electronic and makes life easier...I'm all over it. You could say I'm a semi-geek. Closet-geek. I dunno. Its not like I have Sci-Fi posters and figureenes throughout my house, cause I dont. But knowing how to do anything I want to with a computer is nice.

Other interests, Cars. Going fast is fun. Making your car go even faster that it was designed to is more fun. Taking a corner hard, hearing the tires squeal and being forced to the edge of your seat is the best. Trail riding in a 4x4 is fun. Ah, maybe I'm just lazy and like to get from Point A to Point B without walking.

Oh, Guns. Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns...if it goes boom and cause distruction in one form or antoher, then I like it. Mind you, I'm always safe. So it may sound like typical guy stuff, and maybe it is. But, I enjoy it.

More to come....
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