Mar 27, 2004 08:13
Yeah...just watching the clock. The Hands move, but never quickly enough. I just wanna close my eyes, and let it be August. Thats all I'm looking forward to now. Everything I think of involves August. Stay or Go. It all depends on the $. Either way, I'll be comming home in August, but I just don't know if its gonna be temporary or not. I'm soooo in a position to stay here, but the same ole same ole is getting to me. Oh well, its all about the Mind Power.
Yeah,, .org and .net are MINE suckahs. Went ahead and paid for the year...blah blah whatever. 5gb of Transfer per day is crazy. I guess I could make it a media server....but I'd need a butload more storage than they gave me. Bah, maybe I'll move my LJ stuff to a blog there. More than likely I'll just use it to host Pics and Vids of chit over here.
Too all the people that IM me and IRC me all day, thanks. It helps pass the time, even if we're just crackin jokes or being geeks or whatever. And if you're reading this and NOT IM-img me...WTF! How about 'hey Bottoz, your LJ is retarted, get a Life, and stop blogging stupid chit.' See, I started your part of the conversatin there's no excuse. Any comments are welcome. Thanks.