Title; Goodbye
Rating; PG-13
Pairing; Ron/Draco
Prompt; 001. Wind
Prompt set; 50.3
Word Count; 200
Summary; 'He wrapped his arms tighter around himself as he looked down at the gravestone there, at the name on the front.'
Warnings; Character Death
Disclaimer; This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
A/N; This is written for my
100quills prompt of Ron/Draco.
by; Mack
Ron stood in the snow, the wind whipping around him, forcing up a small cyclone of snow to wrap around him, sinking through his coat and jacket, chilling him to the bone. He wrapped his arms tighter around himself as he looked down at the gravestone there, at the name on the front. He swallowed, eyes stinging from the wind and the cold. He raised his gloved hand wiping the tears from his cheeks and sighed crouching down a hand reaching out to run across the name.
“I miss you. I wish you could’ve met him, you would have loved him. He loves to cook and the two of you could’ve had a lot of fun, I know how much you loved to cook. He’s here you know, he’s waiting to meet you,” Ron said softly, bringing his hand to his face to scrub away the tears.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned looking at his lover and he managed a smile, standing up. He felt an arm wrap around his waist and he leaned against him for comfort.
“I love you,” he said softly to his lover before looking at the grave. “Mum, this is Draco.”
Title; Lost in the Snow
Rating; PG-13
Pairing; Ron/Draco
Prompt; 001. Wind
Prompt set; 50.3
Word Count; 794
Summary; 'It had brought Malfoy, in an unorthodox way, to him.'
Warnings; None
Disclaimer; This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
A/N; This is written for my
100quills prompt of Ron/Draco.
Lost in the Snow
by; Mack
Ron wasn’t sure why he loved winter so much. He guessed it might have to do was that was when he had met Draco, both times in his life. The first time was when he and his brothers had been trampling through a forest, looking for the tree they wanted to use at home. He had gotten separated, wanting to look for the perfect tree and show his family that he found it so they could all be proud of him and ohh and ahhh over the tree.
He had been running through the forest, looking at everything, looking for the perfect one before he ran into something and was knocked back into the ground in a jumble of arms and legs. He had sat up looking for whatever he had run into but hadn’t seen anything. He had been confused until he heard a voice and then his eyes had focused and he had seen a pale boy with pale hair and eyes dressed in white fur and coat making him look like some sort of angel.
“Sorry,” he had said to the boy who had merely scoffed.
“My father say’s its undignified to run,” the other had said.
Ron had merely looked confused. “I love to run! It’s fun!”
The other boy had sniffed looking down his nose at Ron making him feel less important. “It is undignified,” he said before turning and beginning to walk.
Ron had scrambled up and called out after the boy, asking for a name and had gotten a Malfoy in return. Ron had barely been seven at the time and as such the name had meant nothing to him until he had mentioned it to his father and he had been told to stay away from him at all times.
The second time had been a few months after the war had ended and he had gone with the Fred, Ginny and Charlie, his only remaining family, to get a tree as it was tradition. Ron had stumbled over something and had fallen down. The other three had chuckled and continued to walk, leaving him to stand up and brush himself of, grumbling under his breath.
He had looked around, searching for whatever he had tripped over but had spotted nothing and had figured it was just him tripping over his own feet again. He turned, seeing his siblings in the distance and took a step to begin to run to catch up when a small groan was heard and he whipped around, eyes moving systematically searching for the sound.
“Help,” he heard someone whisper and he doubled his search, looking for something and found nothing.
“Cold,” the voice came again and Ron looked down, roving the ground and it took a moment before he saw the slightly darker than snow color that he had originally thought was a shadow. He dropped to the ground, fingers digging into the snow, meeting stiff flesh and he drew whoever he had out of the snow where he had been bruised.
He had almost dropped the man as he realized that a, he was naked, and b, it was Draco Malfoy, a Malfoy with chapped lips, glassy eyes and blackened fingers and toes from the beginning of frost bite. He swallowed for a moment, confused as what to do. However, training came over as he had shouted for his siblings, wrapped Malfoy up in his coat and into his arms, holding him close and beginning to run towards the house, uncaring of the questioning yells that came from behind him.
He had gotten Malfoy into the Burrow and had run a lukewarm bath, lowering Malfoy gently into it, ignoring the questions from his family. He wasn’t sure why he had saved Malfoy either, he just had. It had taken time but he had nursed Malfoy back to health, still unsure of why he had done it. He didn’t like the git, and he had been missing since the night on the tower.
He did know that the feeling inside of him was going to be dangerous the first time Malfoy had opened his eyes and smiled at him, the fever broken and no more hallucinations was making his gray eyes glassy. He knew he was in trouble the first time Malfoy had kissed him softly on the cheek in thanks. And he was sure he was going to go to hell when he kissed Malfoy a week later, shoved him down on the bed and took him roughly, uncaring of their cries as they filled the house.
He guessed he loved winter because it had brought Malfoy, in an unorthodox way, to him and allowed him to love the creature that had almost been lost in the snow twice.