Title: The Book of Acts
joanwilder aka RaeWhit
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: HP/SS
jadzialove, my friend (who sent me a Pirates of the Caribbean coloring book and glitter crayons to speed my recovery. Am hooked).
Wordcount: 6780
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: The only thing that's mine is the scenario. The Potterverse characters and world belong to JK Rowling and her book and film companies.
Summary: Harry and Severus set out on a mutual exploration of wizarding Kama Sutra.
A/N: Written for the
bottomsnape Fantasty Fest for
xuxunette's prompt, " Snape doesn't understand the attraction of monogamy, Harry is jealous. Snape must be bottom only. Bonus if they end up as an exclusive couple." I'm over on the word count. I hit the 5000 word limit at approximately the beginning of the last scene. Feel free to hex me stop at that point, if you like. *g*
The Book of Acts