Nov 03, 2004 13:26
It was my first time voting this year. I don't know why I did, but maybe the thought of thinking one vote could make a difference kept haunting my mind. Nevertheless, I felt better for voting, because I had a bad feeling all day yesterday until I did vote. For all who don't know, I voted Kerry. Honestly, why did I think he had a chance?
I apologize to Bush followers, but.. that man gives me a bad feeling. I can't explain, really.
Oh well, nothing can be done now... or can it?
I miss Ry. I was talking to him on the phone last night, and he pointed something out that he noticed about me. I barely say that I love him in person. Only on the phone with him I do. It's as if I'm afraid to say it to his face, which I'm not. I have no idea why, but I don't like it. I do love him. What could it be?