Lawd oh Lawd.

Jul 09, 2002 15:01

I bitch and complain. I do it as if it were a higher duty to humanity. Then id be tying the sacks unto my feet and throwing sticks in every sophists path. IM a fighter. I never claimed to be anything exceeding a sack of homogenized soy product. Those who claim to be anything else, the gentile women, IM speaking of. Name dropping, tight faced, surface lovers. I'd like to kick their heads into the surface. Along with those who think they are more than thick socialized pudding, I despise those who think they are less. They suck the humanitarian cock for the gypper one too many times. They are nothing more than wobbly jawed gigglers. Oh, and the men, I wont get into the men. I am a fighter. I am a fucking manufactured zena. I gnash my teeth.

Oh, and if you are not beautiful, I wont like you. I will never pretend that I could get down with a sour faced, corn toothed, curmudgeon. Don't approach me and expect me to tolerate your face because you decided to add three pints of ice cream to your daily fat intake or your disgusting parents decided to breed. That's your problem, not mine.

All this time you're thinking, but Bottom Lie, you just said that you were nothing more than homogenized soy product. That's right, you blotched binaries of the jury, but this product has selective taste. Low tolerance, I want humility and beauty. Fuck.

I've been skimming through livejournals since I purchased this tangent board. Lawd, most of you are, giggle, laugh, snore. The other quarter pretend they have something profound to say and baste it in large words. Bottom Lie grew up nice and knows big words, when you take that away what do you have? You have, giggle, laugh, snore. Here is a little test for you fellow 'journalists', you cannot fool everyone. Instead of investing in trying to confuse the mass public of homogenized soy product, as to take away from your lack of depth, be your fucking self, you are no less or more. I'd rather read what cereal you ate for breakfast than watch you strain for something clever to say.

* As Bottom Lie is a gracious and often ill-tempered young lady, this does not apply to those on my 'friends list,' and of course those journals who my eyes haven't graced yet. Blessed be, loves.
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