record high 7 poops in 1.5 days! (natural poop no lax)

Apr 12, 2005 18:55

wow i coulnt wait for this update i thought about it the whole walk home from the freshman parking lot. so. i dont fuck...ill come back in a few i forgot it im going to think more about what it was about.

5min later....
back to my update. i was walking back from the my car to my building after going to the gym and tehn smoking a (what i thought was going to be...) quick bowl. but shit happens and some times u go a lil over. so i was walking back and my roomate and her boyfraind in their car asked if i wanted a ride back but haha i had to say no...if i said yes, i would have walked in reaking of weed since all my windows were up, and second i had a huge plastic bag FULL of garbge from my car over the week from mcdonalds and coffee with i was sweaty. ha that would have been a wiff and a half for those two ill tall ya.

i had my chem exam today. fun fun. i really have noooo idea how i did. im HOPING for a LEAST a 65....

emily you told me a story yesterday at dinner and i was like EMILY what why did u do that...or something but i dont remember the story remind me when u read this what it was. cuz it was really funny i laughed for a bit about it. hopefully you dont think im a creep and rememer the story.

anyways....i heard about that knew keg rule....i guess its pretty strict. i dont give a fuck. i dont really remember everything about the 'new rule' but i should find out more aboutit ...donent mean im not sitll having the party cuz i am. dont you worry i am.
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