Title: Just This
padfootthegrimPairing: Sheppard/Lorne
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate Atlantis. I’m just playing.
Author Notes: I can’t even begin to talk about the number of false starts this
sga_santa fic had. I Finally alighted upon this little gem and felt happy with it, though I wanted it to be longer, the boys didn’t really feel like cooperating. Written for
Word Count: 3,361
Feedback: Feed the Squirrel!
Warnings/Kinks/Enticements: Bondage, Domination/Submission
Spoilers: Slightly for The Last Man and Search and Rescue, but not really…
Summary: Once they were home and he was back in his quarters, he took the cuffs out of their wrapping and looked them over, feeling the tough, unforgiving outer edge and the soft, supple inner lining. They were perfect.
Fic: Just This Enjoy!