FIC: Feel Like You Do 1/1 [NC-17], Dean/Benny, Dean/John UST, background Sam/Dean

Apr 20, 2014 20:41

FIC: Feel Like You Do
Author: skeletncloset
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: it's complicated? Dean/Benny, John/Dean UST, background Sam/Dean
Word Count: ~1.7K
Warnings: Angst. Umm, that's it I think. Oh, and incest if it isn't obvious, allusions to underage prostitution. Daddy issues.
Summary: Dean doesn’t beg, even when he wants to, even less when he should.

unrequited, biting, anal sex, nc-17, dean/sam, pain, bottom!dean, hurt/comfort, hurt!dean, kink;manhandling, supernatural, john/dean, daddy!kink, -rating: nc-17, kink:coming-untouched, dean/omcs, dean/john, dean/other, ust

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