Fic: swine (Part One)

Jan 08, 2014 07:52

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Supernatural.
Title: swine
Pairing: Sam/Dean, mentioned Sam/Jessica and Dean/Alpha!ladies
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Dean isn’t like other Omegas. He doesn’t want to be claimed, mated, bred. Sam is like other Alphas.
Author’s Note: This is an A/B/O-verse where Omegas have few legal rights and are low on the social totem pole. The non-con warning applies to every aspect of Sam’s and Dean’s A/O dynamic. Though at some points in the story Dean may want some aspects of their relationship, he never consents to any of it. Please be mindful of these aspects of the story in case you find them troubling or triggering!

On A03

toppybastard!sam, warning: angst, nc-17, non-con/dub-con, rating: nc-17, bottom!dean, nc17, self-lubrication, genre: au, au/ar, kink;manhandling, sam, nc/17, dark!fic, possessive!sam, angst, pairing: sam/dean, sam/dean, top!sam, au, non-con, dean winchester, dean, collar!kink

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