Fic: Dust & Shadow || Sam/Dean || R

Jun 13, 2013 02:26

Fic Title: Dust & Shadow
Author: portraitofafool
Artist: culper355
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Supernatural, it is the sole property of its respective network and creators. I am making no money from this and no infringement is intended.
Word Count: 80,008
Warnings: AU, death, global pandemic, graphic depictions of violence & physical illness, horror, language
Author's Notes: Written for the spn_j2_bigbang. Many thanks to culper355 for the fantastic art she made me and for not getting totally fed up with my neurotic, writery ways. Also, thanks to lustmordred for doing the edit on this.

Summary: When Sam and Dean are young children, a sample of the plague escapes from its lab, intent on shaking hands with everyone it meets. As the years pass, the Winchesters grow up while the world falls down around them. Trained by their father to be soldiers, the Winchesters and a few others wage an impossible war against an invisible enemy that everyone fears. After a tragedy leaves them alone and left for dead, the brothers come to rely on one another more than ever before. Always close, they grow even closer despite the shadow of the Black Death that lurks in the wings, waiting for a turn to dance.

Link to fic: Fic Master Post
Link to art: Art Master Post

dark!fic, angst, pairing: sam/dean, rated: r

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