Fic Post: We're Not Broken Just...

Jun 04, 2013 01:33

Title: We’re Not Broken Just…

Pairing: Dean/OMC

Rating: NC17

Author: stir_of_echoes

Beta: Many thanks to wings128

Summary: Dean wasn’t seventeen anymore. He wasn’t a kid. It wasn’t just the years that had aged him, but the things he had seen, and had done. What had happened that night, in that alley was just the first in a long line of ugly that he’d long since accepted as part of the job. He did what he had to and let the emotion be swallowed by the miles he put between each new horror. But now that horror was staring in him straight in the face and the emotion; the memories were being retraced as fast as the miles that took him back.

Word Count: 31 700

Author’s Notes: Sequel to Broken Shards

We're Not Broken Just...

slash, pairing: dean/oc, kink: rimming, anal sex, dean/omc, bottom!dean, nc17, rating: nc-17, warning: sexual content, adult, violence, john, nc/17, feral, smut, fic, case!fic, fandom: supernatural, hunter!dean, not wincest, dean winchester

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