Things Unsaid

Mar 18, 2013 15:40

Title: Things Unsaid
Author: alecX_5
Artwork: bumerbmw
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Genre: Jensen/Jared; AU
Warnings: AU, spanking, cock warming, drug use, attempted suicide
World Count: 3,514
Summary: Jared's brother gets inside Jensen's head and it doesn't end well for Jensen.
Beta: becky43078 & eleni81
Music: The Best Thing by Savage Garden
Other: Part of the Affirmation Verse

top!jared, pairing: jared/jensen, angst, j2, slash, d/s, spanking, jensen/jared, rating: nc-17, au, bottom!jensen, genre: au, kink: bdsm, swearing

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