Title: Big Brother Omega
Fandom: Spn AU
Author: michele0013
Disclaimer: Total Fiction and I own nothing!
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings underage, alpha!sam/omega!dean, non-con, dirty-talk, rough-sex, a/b/o, incest, come-eating, bottom!dean, restraints
Beta: None
Summary: Written for this
spnkink-meme prompt. Omegas aren't born that way. They're made. Every child born to an Alpha/Omega parents is born Alpha. Daily exposure to the hormones present in Alpha semen turns an Alpha into an Omega. Also, Alphas can't stand to have the competition of other Alphas around and will do their best to convert the alphas around them (like their siblings) into omegas or failing that, kill them.
Big Brother Omega