A House Is Not A Home.

Jan 01, 2013 23:09

A House Is Not A Home.

Summary - As if Jensen’s life wasn’t hard enough - consigned to an Omega House, suffering constant, unsatisfying heats and doggedly continuing the fruitless search for a mate - now there was a new Custodian in the House who was throwing Jensen completely off balance…and he had absolutely no idea what to do about it.

Disclaimer- Clearly this is an AU story; none of this ever happened. I do not own any of the actors in this story, especially not Jared or Jensen, they all belong to themselves. Jared and Jensen are not in a relationship, have never been and have no desire to be in a relationship; they are both happily married and not to each other which is awesome for both of them. Michael Weatherly is not the asshole I make him in this story; I’m sure he is awesome in real life. No money was made from this story. The story is complete.

Rating : R

Pairings: Jared/Jensen.

Word Count: Around 20,000 words in total; 11 chapters.

Warnings: major dub-con (verging on non-con) and abuse of a position of trust, mpreg, Alpha/Omega dynamics, age flip - Jared is older than Jensen, angst, knotting, bottom!Jensen, possessive!Jared, Omega!Jensen, Alpha!Jared, heats, self-lubrication, spanking, toys, punishment, orgasm denial, attempted non-con, SCHMOOP and happy ending as always. :-D People will probably really hate the ending…but I pretty much always do happy endings.

Author’s note: This is based on the spn_kink meme prompt:

There are strict rules at the Omega House for the Unmated - the Custodians are not permitted any sexual contact with the Omegas, even though they must assist them through their heats.

Jensen finds it strange that when Custodian Padalecki is assigned to help him through his heat it doesn't feel as impersonal as it normally does - usually the custodian will strap him down so he can't hurt himself, insert the standard issue vibrator, turn it on, and that's that. With Padalecki the vibrator is sometimes pressed to his balls first, or slid in and out of him several times before being turned on, sometimes Padalecki doesn't even use the standard issue toys, and will put tight little clamps on his nipples and slide a toy inside him that is far larger and makes his eyes water even as he gasps at how good it feels. On other days the toy will be too small, pencil thin and not enough, leaving him whimpering and begging for more. Even the safety bounds feel exciting and terrifying rather than comforting and reassuring when Padalecki ties him down. Still Jensen knows it must all be alright as Padalecki sticks to the rule of only ever using toys on him.

...........bonus for punishment being different with Jared too- instead of three strikes of the cane over Jensen's clothed backside, there is a ginger plug and a paddle on his naked ass for far more than three strikes - at the end of which Jensen almost feels like he's going into heat he's so buzzed and sensitive.

All of full age and dubious consent rather than non-con please.

Chapter One.

kink: control, pairing: jared/jensen, warning: mpreg, fic, au, kink: marking, warning: mild bondage

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