
Nov 03, 2012 04:59

Title: Nostalgia 
Author: weirdly_11
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Dean/Benny, Sam/Dean(mentioned
Warnings/Spoilers: Season 8 in general, blood drinking, incest(mentioned), vampire fast & rough sex, self-prep
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys or the show so don't sue
Summary: Sam immediately finds it strange how Dean so readily lets him live a normal life, so strange that after Dean drops him off at the nearest bus station like he asked he quickly hot wires a car and follows Dean to a motel in the next town over.This was so not what he was expecting.
A/N: I got this idea from True Blood and spnkink_meme, I didn't fill any prompts, just was inspired by them.

rough sex, kink: blood-drinking, vampire, kink:coming-untouched, rating: nc-17, pairing:dean/benny, kink;manhandling, kink:voyurism

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