Gagging For It

Jul 29, 2012 20:56

Title: Gagging For It
Author: justinedelarge
Rating: R
Genre: Smut, romance
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count:4000
Summary: Sam finds out Dean has a pain kink and a submissive streak a mile wide. Dean learns that Sam has a few secrets.


Dean was a little drunk. Sam was still at the library, deep into his research. "Just one more hour, Dean. I'm onto something." Promised he'd meet him.

Dean shifted on the bar stool, leaned against the bar and ordered another whiskey (Bulleit, one ice cube). One more for the road. The road, in this case, being the 300 feet between the motel and bar. Dean never drank in public unless he was within stumbling distance of their room, and he never got full-on drunk unless Sam was there to watch his back.

But half-drunk, Dean Winchester was still more alert and dangerous than most hunters stone-cold sober.

Dean took a sip of whiskey. Spicy, a little smoky, just the thing.  The girl at the end of the bar, swaying to the jukebox song, winked at him.

Before... well, Before, she would have been just the ticket. Pretty but not too much. A bit bold. Long brown hair, long tanned legs, round ass cradled by her Daisy Dukes. Well groomed, with something about her that said she just loved to get messed up.

Yeah. Would have been just the thing. Before.

The pretty-but-not-too-pretty brunette sidled up next to him, flashing her best bar smile. "Hey."

Dean glanced at the door. No sign of Sammy.

"Hey yourself."

She twirled a lock of hair around her finger like she didn't even realize she was doing it.

"So, if I talk to you, am I gonna get my ass kicked by a pissed-off girlfriend?"

Dean gave her a wolfish grin.


She leaned into him, clearly a little drunk herself.

"This isn't something I do, but you're just about the best-looking man I ever saw, and I was just thinking, damn, doesn't hurt to try, right?"

If Sam walked through the door right then, she'd find out how wrong she was. Sometimes, trying to get a taste of Dean hurt like a sonofabitch. Trying a little sparked Sam's jealousy just enough to make for delicious, all-night, "you're MINE" sex.

But trying a lot could leave a pretty little girl in frightened tears or a grown man with a broken nose.

He tossed back the remaining inch of whiskey with a stiff wrist in one neat motion.

"Darlin', you're just about the prettiest girl I've seen in a long while." Her mouth curled up in a smile tinged with surprise. "But you're barking up the wrong tree." The smile faltered.

Dean leaned close, and whispered in her ear, "It's just that nobody sucks my cock as good as my brother."

The pretty-but-not-too-pretty girl's eyes flew open in shock, and she audibly gasped.

Dean looked over her shoulder. "Perfect timing, Sammy."

She turned to look behind her... and craned her head back, and back, and back.

Sam loomed over her, hard muscles standing out beneath his thin t-shirt.

"Shouldn't oughtta touch what doesn't belong to you."

She held up her hands and backed away a half-dozen steps.

Sam slotted himself between Dean's open legs, pressed his massive palm behind Dean's head and kissed him long and hard in front of everyone, not caring who might object.

"Been too long since I showed you proper who you belonged to, Dean? Need me to remind you, huh? Ok. I'll fucking remind you."

Dean spread his legs wider and pressed against Sam.

Sam smiled grimly, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. "Sure got hard fast. Guess you really do need it bad."

The girl still stood, staring open-mouthed at the two of them.

"You want me to take my belt off and whip your ass cherry-red? Put my mark all over you? Pin you down and fuck you till you scream? Just fucking ask. Get on your knees and ask for it. This way? Come in here and see you slutting around like you used to, see some girl crawling all over you? Pisses me off." Sam was shaking, fingers digging into Dean's thighs.

Dean felt suddenly cold. "Sam."

"This is what you fucking want? Fine. I'll give you what you want. Don't I always?" Sam wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "But remember. You asked for it."


Sam didn’t say a word as they walked back to the hotel room.

Dean expected to be thrown against the wall the second the door was shut behind them and pinned there.

That didn’t happen.

Sam stood facing away from Dean.

The knot in Dean’s stomach (I fucked it up I fucked it up Christ I knew eventually I was gonna fuck this up) tightened.


“Do you miss it?”

Dean’s mouth opened, but no words came out.

Sam turned, examining Dean’s face carefully.

“Is that it? It’s not that I’m not enough for you. It’s that I’m a guy. And you miss it.” Sam held his face perfectly still, but his eyes gleamed with tears.

The knot seized up.

“Fuck. No! No. I don’t miss sex with women. That’s not it. I mean-there IS no it. Sam. C’mon.” Dean crossed to Sam and tipped his head up to kiss him.

Sam kept his arms at his side, and his hard mouth did not kiss back. Dean backed up a step, stunned.

“If you just wanted me to play rough, you know all you have to do is look at me the right way.” It’s true that Dean could trigger Sam’s dominant side just by looking up at him through his thick eyelashes a certain, soft way, and game on. “But this. Making me see that. Deliberately. Knowing how bad it hurts. I just… why’re you doing this?”

Dean hadn’t realized. He should have realized. The few times he’d done this before, Sam had manhandled him, claimed him, punished and used him with such passion and ferocity, Dean was high on it for days. Sam would drive into him hard, chanting “Mine, mine...” over and over, his face contorted. He thought the expression was one of dark pleasure. He realized only now it was pain.

Without thinking, Dean dropped. Like a soldier before his king, Dean went to his knees before Sam, then took Sam’s hand and pressed the palm to his cheek. So Sam could feel the tears running down his face.

“Sam…” Dean choked out his brother’s name like a sob.  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” and then Dean just leaned against Sam’s massive thigh, chest heaving, fighting hard not to cry.

Sam’s other hand stroked Dean’s hair. “Tell me.”

The words spilled out of Dean in an uncontrollable flood. “You just… I don’t fucking deserve you, Sammy, and we both know it. And that one time, when that girl grabbed my ass, and you just went fucking nuts on me, Sam, you marked me up and said, fuck, you said you wanted to make me wear a collar that said Property of Sam Winchester in public, and the way you… you were so… goddamn it…”

Sam let out a deep breath. “Oh.”

“Sammy, don’t be mad at me. Don’t you be mad at me.”

“Stand up.” Sam pulled Dean to his feet, and gripped him tight. “It’s ok. I get it now. Dean. Shh. It’s ok.”

If Dean cried in Sam’s arms at that moment, neither of them would ever tell another soul.

“It felt good, when I was rough with you and said you belonged to me, didn’t it.” Sam’s voice was low and soothing. “Made you feel it in your body how much I wanted you. Loved you. So much I couldn’t bear the thought of someone else touching you. So much I’d punish you for letting them touch you even a little.”

“Yeah. Yeah.” Dean’s voice was muffled, mouth pressed up against Sam’s chest.

“If I’m jealous, it means I still want you more than anything.”

Dean’s chest hitched. “Yeah.”

“Look at me.” Sam touched his finger to Dean’s jaw and tipped his face up. He smiled, and this time, the smile reached his eyes. “Listen to me. Real careful. You’re all I want. You’re all I’ve ever wanted, even back when I was way too young to think that way about anyone, least of all my big brother.”

Dean was mesmerized by the intensity in Sam’s gaze.

“Maybe you don’t know how much you’re worth. But I do. And I’m gonna show you-if you stop letting barflies climb all over you to kick it off.”

Dean looked down, ashamed.

“So… you like it when I mark you up?”

Dean looked up again, face lit up. Sam had that look. That look that made Dean’s legs feel unsteady.

“I like it a lot.”

“Marks on your neck, so people can see? Or do you mean the bite marks?” The bite marks that Sam left, deep purple bruises on his inner thighs, his chest, his hip.

Dean wiped the last of the tears from his cheeks. “Both.”

Sam’s hand went to the back of Dean’s neck, tightened hard.

“You like being mine.”

Dean shuddered. Sam inhaled sharply, and bit Dean’s neck, sucking and tonguing his skin.

“Always been yours, Sammy.”

“But you want people to know.”

Dean threw his head back and bared his neck to Sam. “Yes. Fuck.  Yes.”

“Want me to walk into a bar in a skin-tight shirt and jeans hanging off my ass, feel everyone staring at me like they do, wanting me, and make them see that I chose you.”

Dean made a sound that could only be described as a whimper.

Sam slid his hand along Dean’s thigh and grabbed his cock, squeezing it hard. “Want them to know that this belongs to me. Make them imagine what I do to you. Wishing it was them.”

“Sam. Fuck. Please.”

“Maybe you even want me to make you show me how completely you belong to me. Want me to yank your jeans down around your ankles like this, in the middle of the bar-“ Sam tugged Dean’s 501s down, exposing his bare flesh and hard cock, and peeled off his t-shirt-“bend you over a barstool”-Sam turned Dean to face the little motel table and bent him over, palms on the table, ass jutting out-“and take my belt off and smack your ass right there in front of God and everybody…” Sam slid his leather belt free and doubling it, gripped both ends and snapped it.

The sound sent a spasm of pleasure through Dean, visible in the way his body undulated.

Sam leaned over, pressing himself against Dean’s naked flesh. “I get it now. I know exactly what you need. And here’s the thing you don’t know, Dean. I know exactly, precisely how to give it to you. There’s a lot I learned while I was at Stanford I never told you. I’ve got a whole set of skills you don’t know about. Trained by the best.” Dean opened his mouth, but before he could ask a single question, Sam slipped a hand up underneath Dean’s chest, pinched a nipple between two fingers, and began to squeeze, slowly increasing the pressure until Dean gasped.

“You like that, Dean?”

Dean nodded furiously. Sam pinched harder.

“Say it. Wanna hear you talk.”

Dean swallowed hard. “I like that.”

“Good. Me too.” Sam rubbed the flat of his hand over Dean’s lower back. “Now you’re gonna show me how sorry you are about that little stunt. And I’m gonna work you over good. Give you what you need. And the next time you need it, you’re not gonna tease some poor little girl into rubbing up against you thinking she can get a taste, right?”

Dean arched his back. “No.”

“What are you gonna do?” Sam wrapped the buckle end of his belt around his hand and let the end hang down, trailing it against the back of Dean’s thighs.


“Yeah you are. You’re gonna ask for it, real nice and pretty. Get on your knees in front of me. Say, ‘I need it, Sam.’” Sam swung the belt against Dean’s skin lightly. “Can you do that?”

Dean’s cock was so engorged it felt like the skin was going to snap. “Yeah. Sam. C’mon. Please.”

“Nobody fucking touches you like that but me, are we clear? Ever.” Sam leaned closer and hissed into Dean’s ear, “You don’t have permission.”

Dean’s hips bucked forward. “Ok. Ok. I promise. Sam. Fucking need you so bad. Please. Need to come.”

Sam laughed. “Dean, you’re a long way off from earning the right to come. Gotta make amends first. Gotta take your punishment.”

Dean groaned.

Sam stepped back and snapped the belt against the back of Dean’s right thigh, placing it square in the center. Dean gritted his teeth.

“We’re not gonna stop until you’re making all kinds of noise for me, Dean. Gonna make you feel it.” Another smack of the belt, on the left thigh. “Gotta show me how much you can take for me. Show me you’re sorry. Show me how bad you want me to fuck you.”

And then Sam let loose with a flurry of smacks, working Dean hard on his ass and thighs, alternating sides, never hitting the same spot twice in a row. Then he paused and rubbed his hand over the pink flesh. “You don’t know it, Dean, but I’m being kind. I’m letting you have it in a regular rhythm, so you can anticipate the next hit. Like that, it’s soothing. I mean, it hurts like a sonofabitch, but it’s soothing. If I were to do it out of rhythm, that would make you anxious.”  Sam leaned in and kissed Dean deep, licking at Dean’s lips, thrusting his tongue inside his mouth. Dean sucked on it shamelessly, arching his back, moaning into Sam’s mouth.

“That’s my boy. Like that.”

Sam pulled back. “Ok, I’m gonna go harder now. Gonna see what your baseline is. Keep your hands flat on the table. If you raise a hand up, or try to stop me, I’m gonna put you to bed hard and not let you come until the morning. We clear?”

Dean nodded.

“Show me how much pain you can take for me, Dean.”

Sam went to work in earnest with the belt, snapping the leather against Dean’s meaty calves, then up on his ass cheeks, back down his thighs, striping Dean’s skin with red marks. He kicked Dean’s legs apart wider so he could work the inside of his thighs, which evoked sharp cries from Dean.  Dean cried out and writhed and rose up on his toes and cursed, but he did not lift his hands from the table.

“So beautiful, Dean. You’re so beautiful like this. Taking it so good for me.” Sam pinched a welt between his fingers, making Dean gasp.

Then his hand dropped lower. When he felt Sam’s fingers on Dean’s balls, gathering them together in his hand, Dean trembled. “Sammy?”

Sam murmured, “Trust me. I know what I’m doing.” Sam pulled down gently, tightening the skin, and lightly slapped them with the end of the belt.

The pleasure and pain were perfectly balanced, and Dean cried out, arching his back into it.

“Knew you’d love that, Dean." Sam’s voice sounded wrecked. He slapped Dean’s balls over and over, carefully but enough to sting. “Fuck. You have no idea the things I’m gonna do to you, Dean. Thought you might have it in you, but didn’t want to scare you. But look at you. You fucking love this.”

It was true. Here was Dean, bent over a motel table, legs spread, ass and thighs red and welted from his brother’s belt, gasping and squirming as Sam tugged and spanked his balls, on the verge of coming from that alone.

“Sammy. Please. Sam. Please. Please.”

“What do you want?”

“Want to make you come. Want to come for you.”

“Yeah? Want me to fuck you?” Sam released Dean, and trailed a fingertip over the pink whorl of Dean’s asshole. At the feel of Dean’s relaxed, lubed asshole, he sucked in a breath. “Goddamn. You got yourself all ready for me. All clean and ready to take my cock?”

“Yeah. Made myself ready for you. Christ. Please. Sam. Fuck me.”

Sam pressed the fingers of his left hand over Dean’s testicles, protecting them, and snapped the end of the belt against Dean’s ass, dead center.

Dean made a strangled cry.

“Yeah. That one’s nice, isn’t it? Stings so good, getting your asshole whipped. Burns, but it just makes you want to fuck so bad. Want to do anything he wants, the guy doing it to you.” Sam’s hand rose and fell, snapping the belt against Dean’s asshole again, and again, and again.

Dean felt a black surge of jealousy well up in him. “Sam. You…”

“Told you I was trained by the best. Trained to be a perfect sub, Dean. Trained in everything. Because you can’t be a good top until you’ve learned how to be a perfect bottom. Shown you can take what they want to give you and thank them for it.”

Dean growled. He actually growled.

Sam pulled Dean up, picked him up in his arms and carried him to the bed. Throwing him down, he quickly stripped off his clothes, and crawled on top of him.

“What’s the matter, Dean? Don’t like the thought of someone else touching me? Some other guy doing anything he wanted to me? Making me do so many things?” Sam sat up, ass pressed against Dean’s cock, and ran his hand over his chest, pinching his nipples.

Dean’s jaw tightened.

“Wouldn’t want to have walked in on him and me together, huh?”

“I’d have fucking killed him, Sammy. Still might, if I find out who he is.”

Sam laughed. “Didn’t think so. Doesn’t feel good, does it?”

Dean bit his lip. “Hurts. Fucking hurts.”

Sam leaned over Dean. “Yeah. Yeah it does. Don’t ever fucking do that to me again, ok?”

Dean murmured, “Never. Swear.”

Sam spread Dean’s thighs wide open and pressed himself inside, working past both rings of muscle. Dean opened to him without resistance.

“Yeah. God, Sammy, you feel so good. Need this. Need you.”

Sam drove inside Dean all the way, then held himself up with one hand, and placed the other on Dean’s chest. “Mine.”

It felt like a ritual, a claiming using real power. Dean bared his throat, and murmured, “Yours. Yours. Yours.”

Sam fucked Dean with a vengeance, batting Dean’s hand away when he tried to touch his cock. “Not till I say. Not till I fucking say.” He worked his thick cock inside Dean, mouth locked onto Dean’s, sucking in his cries and moans and gasps, grinding deep and rolling his hips until Dean was practically in tears, then pulling out nearly all the way, and fucking him with long, punishing strokes.

Dean became desperate, begging to come in an unending stream of pleas. Sam just gripped his face with one hand and said, “Fucking take it. You’ll come when I tell you to.”

Sam just kept fucking him, making it feel so good for Dean but not enough to come, just taking his own pleasure the way he wanted to. Finally, Dean let the desperation fall away, and he surrendered to Sam in a manner so complete, he didn’t even know it was possible. His body relaxed completely, thighs falling open to either side, his head fell back, and he chanted, “Sam. Sam. Sam.”

Sam moaned, low and throaty. “There it is.” He grabbed Dean’s ass and worked him down on his cock, reveling in Dean’s pliant body beneath him, taking him for what seemed like forever.

Finally, he wrapped one hand around Dean’s cock and worked it hard, driving into Dean at just the right angle, just the right speed. “Fuck. So good.” His hips snapped forward faster. “Dean. Come for me. Now.”

And Dean obeyed, howling out his orgasm like a wild thing, shaking and screaming with the force of it. And Sam followed not long after, calling out “Fuck, Dean, fuck, fuck, Dean…” and then laughing through the last throes.

Eventually, they recovered the power of speech and movement. Sam got up and brought Dean a glass of cold water, and cleaned Dean up with a warm wet towel.  Dean rolled into Sam’s arms without a word of complaint about cuddling.  And nestled in and said, “Thank you.” And even more astonishingly, in a clear voice (not muffled or mumbled), he said, “I love you, Sam.”

Sam just grinned at him, a little dumbfounded.

Dean mock-punched him on the shoulder. “But you’re telling me all about this training thing, dude.”

"You're sure you want to hear about that?"

Dean nodded.

Sam pulled him closer and kissed him slow and deep. "Not yet. But I'll show you what I learned."

Chapter 1:

Gotta gag you, Dean. ‘Cause what I’m about to do to you, you’re gonna scream. And as much as I love making you scream, this motel’s pretty booked up, and I don’t want to get us kicked out. Got plans for you, big brother. And you’re gonna love it. But I can’t lie. I’m gonna push your limits tonight. See how much pain you’ll take for me. ‘Cause I know how bad you need this. Need the pain. Need it from me. You’ve been on edge for fucking weeks. Pushing me. So I’ll give you what you’ve been asking for. Christ, practically begging for it. So pretty when you beg me, Dean.

I think I won’t touch your cock until you beg for it. I’ll just use these new little tools I picked up just for you. Yeah… look like they’re gonna hurt like a sonofabitch, don’t they? Won’t fuck you until you beg, either. Beg through that gag. Beg with your whole body.

And you better make it good. Better earn it. Take all the pain I give you. Do everything I say. Spread your legs for me, hold them open while I whip you right here, on the inside of your thighs. No squirming and trying to move away when I spank that ass of yours all cherry red, right? Gonna arch your back and push back into the paddle? Can you do that, Dean? Show me what a good little pain slut you are for me? How much you love this?

Like I said, I’m gonna test your limits tonight. Like you’ve been pushing for. Break you down. But any time it’s too much, you make the sign, and we stop. Ok?

So here’s the deal. We’re gonna play. You’re gonna make me come, let me use your mouth and ass, but you don’t get to come yet. We’re gonna play some more, and then you get my cock nice and hard again. And then I’m going to break out this. Yeah. I know. I saw you staring at that in the shop. Knew you wanted me to use it on you. Gonna make you scream. Make you cry.

And if you’re really, really good, and you take it all, and let it all go and scream and sob for me like I know you need, like I need-and I do need it, Dean, you have no fucking idea-then I’ll reward you. Take care of you. Make you come for me, come so hard with my cock in your ass and my tongue in your mouth, the way you love it. And I’ll rub you down with that cream you like, take the sting away, and I'll fuck you again, real slow this time, just grind into you so deep and kiss you, show you how much I love you, how proud I am you took it all for me, show you you’re mine. And I’ll make you come again. As many times as you want. Let you fuck me. Yeah, thought you’d like that.

So what do you say, Dean? If you’re not down, just shake your head. But if you like my plan, nod your head.

Good boy. Let’s get started.

Continues here:

supernatural, smut, bdsm, wincest, sam/dean, bottom!dean, top!sam, sam/dean wincest

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