Silence Ain't My Native Tongue - Dean/Castiel R

Jun 23, 2012 02:20

Title - Silence Ain't My Native Tongue
Author - queerly_it_is
Pairing - Dean/Castiel
Rating - R
Word Count - 2.5k

Warnings - Mentions of other/non-main character death, references to off-screen explicit sex, very mild gore, profanity

Disclaimer - I own nothing and no one mentioned in this, and I make no profit.

Summary - Dean and Cas are Agents 'D' and 'C' of the Men in Black. Their relationship is a little bit outside the normal regulations.

Author’s Notes - Written for tsuminoaru for spnspringfling. I cannot put words to my excitement at getting ‘Men in Black’ as a prompt. This may become a larger story/verse (it’s me, this shouldn’t be a shock), or it may stay as a one-shot; I haven’t decided yet.

xover, established, fic, castiel, slash, r, humor, bottom!dean, dean winchester, adult, au, rating: r, dean/castiel, cas/dean, john

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