Like lions, like lambs

May 20, 2012 07:52

Like lions, like lambs
Prompt: OMCs/Dean, Sam/Dean. Season 1. With Sammy off at Stanford, Dean goes off the rails. Drink, drugs, sex, all more than ever. Eventually John (or Bobby) gives Sam a call and begs him to just check on his brother. Sam doesn't like what he sees) for February Comment Meme @ dean_slash
Beta: icelily01
Genre: Angst
Pairing/Characters: OMCs/Dean (mention - past and present), Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Word Count: around 4k
Warning: Season 1 What If, mention of prostitution, use of drugs, humiliation, wincest, language

Summary: Sam hasn't seen his brother since he left his family for Stanford. When Bobby called him and begged him to check on Dean, he finds Dean in a nightclub, smashed and broken.

How bad can it be?

abuse, angst, drugs, sam/dean, dean/omcs, bottom!dean, au, rating: r, hurt!dean

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