[x02] drabbles - wincest + smith/wesson - rated R

Apr 24, 2012 00:02

Title: Anything
Fandom: SPN: It's a Terrible Life!AU
Pairing: Smith/Wesson
Rating: soft R
Warnings / Contains: teasing, touching, making out, denial, suit!kink? - bottom!Dean
Word Count: 365~
Disclaimer: Don't own SPN or the boys, just these words.


Title: Role Reversal
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Warnings / Contains: finger!kink, dominance, light D/s - bottom!Dean
Word Count: 221~
Disclaimer: Don't own SPN or the boys, just these words.

supernatural, episode related, fic, slash, d/s, sam/dean, au, rating: r, schmoop, smith/wesson

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