Actions & Consequences

Feb 09, 2012 15:03

Title: Actions & Consequences
Author: alecX_5
Artwork: theextrac00kie
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Genre: Jensen/Jared; AU
Warnings: AU, slash, knotting, rape, d/s, dub-con, claiming
World Count: Total 5,746
Summary: Coming from a home where his father abused the power he held over Jared's mother, Jared feared giving into his instincts. When he met Jensen, he treated him as an equal but Jensen doesn't want to be equal. Not having a family growing up, the beta needed to be taught his place.
Beta: wise_old_crone
Music: Fmlyhm by Seether
Other: Part of the Karma & Effect Verse

pairing: jared/jensen, drama, slash, biting, anal sex, non-con/dub-con, word count: 5000-9999, rps, violence, top!jared, rough sex, angst, j2, d/s, -rating: nc-17, jared/jensen, au, werewolf, dub-con

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