[Fic] [Art of Love]

Sep 28, 2011 15:35

Title: Art of Love
Author: flikrin
Prompt: kink bingo fill - piercings/needleplay, hc bingo fill - restrained
Characters/Pairings: Misha/Jensen
Rating: M
Wordcount: 764
Content warning/notes: D/s, bondage, schoompy, not very realistic or safe tattooing practices, established relationship in some random AU where Misha and Jensen are together. Age difference. Jensen is 19 and Misha is 31.
Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with the actual actors.
Summary: Love isn’t just an abstract concept to Misha. Sequel to Beauty in the Breakdown.

(“Jen, hush, babe,” Misha murmured.)

fluff/waff/schmoop, fic, d/s, jensen/misha, kink bingo, au, rating: r, warning: mild bondage

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