[Fic] [Love letter to violence]

Sep 26, 2011 12:46

Title: Lover letter to violence
Author: flikrin 
Prompt: kink bingo fill - bites/bruises
Characters/Pairings: Castiel/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 1194
Content warning/notes: Fusion between Dark Angel and Supernatural. AU. A little bit of painkink/marking and Dean's vivid imagination/fantasy.
Disclaimer: The boys belong to Kripke and DA belongs to Mr Cameron & co.
Summary: X5-494, Dean, is a genetically engineered soldier, created under Project Ragnarok and never say Dean isn’t a romantic.

(Dean picked himself up from the ground)

established, fic, slash, kink bingo, pain, bottom!dean, rating: nc-17, dean/castiel, au/ar

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