I Got A Bad Case Of Lovin' You

Sep 07, 2011 22:37

Title:  I Got A Bad Case Of Lovin' You
Author: highermagic
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: End of 6x22
Warnings: self lubrication, excessive oil-gland!kink, wing!kink, heat!kink
Word Count: ~3,000
Summary: Dean can't help but hide a smirk as he waltzes into the doctor's office. This particular wing of the hospital is for mixed patients - there are humans as well as Angels in the ward today, and he gets his fair share of curious eyes when he walks in and sits down in one of the ugly blue plastic chairs. He closes his eyes, smiling to himself when he hears a few Angels sniff the air curiously.
Notes:  Unbeta'd. All mistakes are my own. Written for  this prompt at the deancaskink meme.

oil glands, established, d/s, fluff, nc-17, angel!dean, dean/castiel, wing!kink

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