Now You Get To Watch 'Em Leave Out The Window

Aug 05, 2011 23:00

Title: Now You Get To Watch 'Em Leave Out The Window (Love The Way You Lie 'Verse)
Author: highermagic 
Rating: R
Pairings/Characters: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: End of 6x22
Warnings: angst, dub-con, mpreg, trigger subjects, (slight) knotting, character death.
Word Count: ~3,200
Summary: Dean woke up feeling sorer than he usually did. His entire lower body twinged, but also felt numb at the same time. His eyes fluttered open further, staring at the depressing brown wall of Bobby's house. The silhouette of the window was there and Dean's eyes widened when he realized that that was because actual sunlight was filtering through.
Notes: Unbeta'd. All mistakes are my own.

established, wing!fic, angst, rating: r, dean/castiel, dub-con

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