Title: All These Lives - 9 A & B/9 B
Fetish for Dean Winchester &
lady_simoriah for Sam Winchester
Character(s): Sam/Dean, Sheriff Kathleen Hudak, Pa Bender, Lee Bender, Jared Bender and Missy Bender.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, Sibling Incest (Wincest), Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Torture, Violence.
Spoiler(s): Season 1, Episode 15 - The Benders
Summary: Driving the back roads of Minnesota Sam and Dean encounter what might just be their scariest foe yet. Some creatures hunt for survival, but only man kills for the sheer thrill of it. A group of backwoods hunters like to hunt and kill humans... and now they've got Sam.
A/N: Thanks to Kripke for the set up, some scenery and some of the words used herein.
Thanks to
tiggeratl1 for the awesomely intense banner and icon! ♥
Thanks to
winsangel for betaing for us.
http://rd-2-redemption.livejournal.com/191158.html - Part A with link to B