Fic (The Only Option) & Sequel (Forever)

Apr 10, 2011 23:09

Title: The Only Option
Author: otp_destiel
Rating: R
Pairings: Dean/Cas, referenced Dean/OC
Spoilers: vague references
Warnings: mentioned het, first time, consent issues, bare backing
Word Count: 2,126
Note: Written for the dean_slash comment fic meme. My prompt was by sarkywoman: Dean/Castiel, Bottom!Dean, fuck-or-die. Cas is concerned about Dean's ability to consent under the circumstances.
Summary: Dean gets cursed by a fuck-or-die curse. The problem? There's a specific condition he wasn't expecting.

The Only Option

& Sequel:

Title: Forever
Author: otp_destiel
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Dean/Cas, mentioned Dean/OC
Spoilers: vague references
Warnings: referenced het, bare backing, bottom!Dean, dom!Castiel
Word Count: 3,218
Note: Like the original fic, this was written for the dean_slash comment fic meme. My prompt was by sepherim_ml: Dean/Castiel. In heaven, marriages are sort of a big deal.
Summary: The morning after, Dean and Castiel must deal with the choices they made.


slash, nc-17, r, first time, rating: nc-17, adult, schmoop, cas/dean, dean/castiel, kink: control, supernatural, nc/17, rough sex, fluff/waff/schmoop, angst, castiel, pwp, -rating: nc-17, fandom: supernatural, rating: r, dean

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