MANIP Late night visitor I & II (SLASH, Sam/Dean, NSFW, NC-17)

Jan 13, 2011 02:31

Title | Late night visitor I & II
Author | chewableprose 
Fandom | Supernatural
Pairing | Sam/Dean
Rating | NC-17
Warning | non-consensual sex and coercion
Brief | After the examination — and knowing that a continued interrogation of Sam was not likely to mean results — Castiel healed him and advised that they both remain at Balthazar’s in hiding until he could figure out what was going on. The boys slept separately, only seeing each other during the day. They barely talked, Sam could tell Dean was feeling awkward as hell over what had happened — and that he’d probably already filed the experience in the corner of his mind where all unpleasantries were stored — but that didn’t dim the enthusiasm with which he remembered the encounter. And so, while Dean read the same magazines over and over, desperate to be distracted, Sam spent away his idle time in hiding reminiscing over every detail of their merger, eager to recall all aspects of Dean’s raw hunger and how it felt to have that thrusting into him …
Disclaimer | this is a work of Photoshop manipulation, the author of this work does not, in any way, profit from the work and all creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator(s)

Manip and notes @ my LJ

slash, -rating: nc-17, wincest, nc-17, sam/dean, non-con/dub-con, artwork, --sam/dean

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