The Devil Knocks You Down, 03/04, [NC-17], Sam/Demon!Dean, AU

Nov 06, 2010 18:51

Title: The Devil Made Me Do It 03/04 - Part Three of the Devil!Verse
Charlotte and
Miss. Brie
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating/Warnings: NC-17, AU
Disclaimer: Kripke created them and writes them well - but we spice them up.
Summary:We started off with a simple premise. What if the character of Ruby was actually a demon named Dean? Then we went from there. 
This is part of our Xmas list - for insane_songbird who wanted us to write fic from this piece of art she did! We went a little insane.
Thank you so much to our crazy beta disneymagics (crazy cause she took this project on!!!)

This is the third story in our Devil!Verse

part 3 of the third story now posted

master post
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