Fic: SPN Dean/Castiel Retreat Into Silence 1/2

Oct 24, 2010 18:03

Title: Retreat into Silence
Author: Anne Higgins
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: Adult
Warnings: BottomDean
Spoilers: AU version of 6.01 but still has lots of ep details!
Disclaimer: Not mine
Word Count: 16,881 (both parts posted to my journal)

Summary: Written for this prompt by deceptivechasm on simon_says_dean: Something very traumatic happens to Dean while he's with Sam (or Sam was away) which causes him to stop talking, *again*. Sam didn't know about the first time, and has to ask Bobby (or John) about what happened after his mum died. She originally requested Gen or Wincest but okayed my going with Dean/Cas instead.

Dean Winchester never gave up hunting.

hurt dean, hurt/comfort, cas/dean, dean/castiel, nc-17

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