Inner Beauty

Oct 04, 2010 22:44

Title: Inner Beauty

Author: HigherMagic

Pairings: Demon!Dean/Demon!Sam, Dean/OFC

Word Count: ~3000

Spoilers: None

Summary: Dean gets to play, and Sam gets to watch. They do this every night, and it’s not going to get old.

Notes/Warnings: Oh God…um…rape. Torture. Graphic, GRAPHIC, violence. Wincest of the Sam/Dean variety. Demon!boys. No redeeming factors whatsoever. PLEASE read with caution, ‘kay? (: Okay, so after watching some really disturbing episodes of Medium, this came into my head. I’m making no excuses for myself - I am definitely going to hell.

demon!sam, evil!dean, demon!dean, slash, wincest, nc-17, non-con/dub-con, pain, rating: nc-17, evil!sam, supernatural, abuse, angst, blood!kink, sam/dean, au, torture, --sam/dean

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