Art: Inappropriate PDA [NSFW]

Jul 26, 2010 00:42

Title: Inappropriate PDA [public display of affection]
Artist: unatral_kreatur
Medium: sketch/pencil
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: NSFW, incestuous blowjob/fingering, still early to the whole doing hardcore slash thing
Disclaimer: i own nothing of SPN.
Apologies, I have no scanner so I have to photograph them. Also this didn't quite work out but I'm early in the game... They'll improve..
NOTE; I'm taking requests as of now if any one is interested.. I may not do it depending on whether or not it's in my skill range... I'd just love some ideas.

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via ljapp, artwork, fanart: art, -rating: nc-17, artists: u, --sam/dean

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