(no subject)

Apr 13, 2005 00:08

i feel weird posting something stupid like this when matt just revealed his emo side to everyone. i feel like there should be a full day of livejournal silence or something, but this shit has been bugging me so im gonna post about it anyways.

things that bug me...

1) smelly people. seriously. if i'm doing my club at asu and have to wrestle with some dude, fine, but please tell me why some of them smell like they threw up on their shirt because they just fell down face first in dog shit. honestly have the decency to shower at least twice a week, the mornings before you are going to be doing activity that involves being close to another human being. i don't know if i can ever possibly smell that bad, but if i did i would know i smelled and try to get that shit fixed. also, don't fucking cough on me. i don't know you.

2) naked dudes. so the guys locker room is a place where guys have to get naked. fine. and i do mean completely clothes-free... but you go to your locker, you get naked, you put on some different clothes, then you go do whatever you need to. nowhere in there should you go to your locker, get naked, and then walk around the locker room like you're by yourself. i mean, as a wrestler who has had to weigh in naked in front of dudes before, i can even understand some guys feeling the desire to strip down, walk to the scale and weigh themselves, and then walk back to the locker. but at no point ever should anyone be completely butt ass naked and go piss at a urinal. its wrong. and tell you what, if you're going to do it, i don't want you talking to me while i'm peeing in the one next to you, fucking weirdo.

3) bad drivers. everyone fucking sucks at driving. bad. if you are getting on the freeway, get up to at least 65mph before you merge into the fucking lane. also, please don't stay in the furthest right lane going 50mph until the last possible second before you realize the lane is exit only. on the same fucking note, if you need to make a right turn coming up quickly, don't fucking be in the left lane. know that you have to fucking make that right turn and get into the right lane with enough time to signal, slow down, and turn. don't expect me to let you in if you fuck up. and just because you drive a big ass tow truck doesn't give you the fucking right to drive like a jackass. wait til matt gets his gun. then when i have him shoot out ur tires we'll see who is the loser in the situation. also, please stay in your lane.

4) the gym. seriously, people are retarded. if you don't know what the hell you are doing... stay out of the gym. if you are a fat ass, why the fuck are you trying to lift as much as you possibly can? fuck the weights dude go get on a treadmill. and girls... omg... if you have some thunder thighs, don't spend 30 minutes on a leg press machine. you want your legs to tone? how about your inner-tube of fat you got around your midsection? get on a treadmill. you don't even need weights, go run. "your apettite will put a dent in a niggas salary, you need to quit burning that weed and burn a calorie" also, i know that some dude 280lbs comes in and benches 250lbs and thinks he's a badass, but you're not, that's weak, don't walk around like you're the shit. and for the other dudes that actually are strong... good for you, but you don't need to make some loud ass orgasm noises while you're lifting... people who actually care will see you're lifting a decent weight, you making loud noises to draw attention to yourself just annoys the shit out of everyone and makes you look retarded.

5) walkers. i don't know where everyone at ASU is from, probably all over the globe, but you are in AMERICA, that means we walk on the right side of things. the sidewalk, walk on the right. the stairs, walk on the right. if you don't like it, fine, get the fuck out of the country. but seriously i don't want to run into you or have to avoid hitting you because you are an idiot. that goes double for people on skateboards and bikes.

alright i feel better now.
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