notes | hetalia | steampunk!au

Feb 20, 2010 15:19

THESE ARE THE PUBLIC PROFILE NOTES in case Fel or anyone else wanted to read them and tell me I fail, and they will be built on gradually. I'll have to keep plot notes and such to myself unless you want to be spoiled entirely for something that hasn't even been written yet. :|;;; I-I probably can't even tell you about some things or even some characters entirely because it would be spoilery.

NOTE TO SELF: it's set in 1944 unless you find that you've created a time paradox you have to work around

Terra Australis [Australia]

16. Her parents were killed in the Territorial War when she was four. She was shipped over to England with the rest of the war orphans, and lived in an orphanage in Manchester until she was six, at which point she was adopted by a kind but poor family; they went broke, and had to abandon her in London at ten. She spent a year on the streets or kipping out where she could, and at eleven, started posing as a boy, which meant she could get a job as a mechanic.

Most people around her area of London know her, whether they like her or not; she's an excellent mechanic, and she's always running around town. The poorer classes welcome her, but most of the upper-class citizens treat her with disdain and think she should be sent back to an orphanage. She's friends with the owner of a small apartment block, and he lets her stay there even though she's not legal.

She's still poor, because most of her money earned is spent on apartment rent, but she's happy. She doesn't own much apart from a pocket watch from her father; the front is made of aluminium, with the inscription Advance Australia Fair on the inside and a little engraving of the country, and the back is encased in glass so that she can see all of the gears work. Nobody has ever been able to understand how it works because they can't figure out what it runs on.

The Rebellion

A group of sky-pirates that are against all political parties; it used to be that they were uninvolved, and everyone left them be aside from bounty hunters after the rewards on their heads, but certain crews don't like the paths that are being taken by the Axis, the Kingdom and the Bolsheviks. (Also, characters are listed under the ship that they're crew of.)


Arthur Kirkland [England]

23. Captain of the Britannia, and leader of the Rebellion. He was the next in line to be King of the Kingdom until he was sixteen, when he started to get his own ideas about politics and the world. Still, he was close to his father, and listened to him until he died when Arthur was eighteen. After that, he began to defy his mother, and openly refused to become the King, leading to him running away from home.

He lived in small towns for a while comfortably, having a large amount of inheritance and also having stolen a good handful of his mother's money before running, and met Antonio and Luis when he was twenty. From there, the three of them decided that they would become sky-pirates so that they didn't have to follow the rules of the world when it was in such a sorry state. The Britannia first flew when Arthur was twenty-one, after a solid year of planning and construction.

It was Arthur's idea to start up the Rebellion; the others weren't particularly concerned with what was going on, but as much as he tries to stay detached, he doesn't want to watch the rest of the world fall to pieces and innocent people suffer because of it.

He usually has to use an alias when he goes anywhere, since the Kingdom's royal family is so well-known, but he refuses to permanently change his name; he keeps it out of respect for his father (and because he still loves Peter), because he feels that it would be admitting defeat to his mother if he changed it, and also because he likes the idea of being able to give the royal family a bad name by showing that their prodigal heir to the throne became a 'no-good' sky-pirate.

Luis Armando Santos Valdez [Portugal]

26. Arthur's first mate. He doesn't share Arthur's desire to right the world, but he likes to help people where he can, and he's still whole-heartedly devoted to all of the Rebellion's acts. He's usually the one to help fix up the reckless parts of their plans so that nobody gets hurt.

He and his parents immigrated to England during the Territorial War, when most of lower Europe was left in ruins and many families were in poverty - and Portugal, in particular, was declared temporarily uninhabitable because of chemical poisoning from the warfare launched on it by Russia. He would have been nine at the time. There, his father found work under Antonio's father in a metalworking factory; their two wives met and became friends, and Luis and Antonio also bonded quickly.

They were happy for a few years, but when Luis was thirteen, his mother died of what was later revealed to be chemical poisoning. Antonio's mother looked after him while his father was at work.

Alfred F. Jones [America]


Matthew Williams [Canada]


Kiku Honda [Japan]


Kaihautu Ihaka [New Zealand]

19. His father left his mother to fight in the Territorial War in Australia, and he died there. He was then raised by his single mother on their farm, until the day when the exchange rate for goods declined sharply; when he was seventeen, they were in severe poverty, and he left home to make money for the family. Arthur ended up taking him in, and he sends home the money they make from raids to his mother.

Most of the crew just call him "Kai", and he calls Arthur "Aata", despite the number of times he's been told not to.

Dominique Coquillage [Seychelles]

15. A girl from France who hates the French. When she was six, her parents snuck her out of the country and they lived in Seychelles away from the fighting. At ten, both of her parents were killed trying to protect her from the invading English, hence her hatred for the English.

She was taken back to England with them, stayed in one of the overcrowded, shoddy orphanages for the many war orphans for two years until she escaped and was caught by a prostitution ring. She refused to cooperate, and Francis Bonnefoy found her causing trouble in the brothel one day; he paid them to let him take her off their hands, and although she tried to run at first, he offered her the proposal of joining the Britannia with him. She liked the idea of being a sky-pirate and agreed.

[The Netherlands/Holland]


Antonio Fernandez Carriedo [Spain]


Francis Bonnefoy [France]


Gilbert Beilschmidt [Prussia]


Lovino Vargas [Italy Romano]


Lilie Zwingli [Liechtenstein]


Luciano Ferreira [Brazil]

Victorien Renard [Belgium]

Raul Li Guerra [Macau]

The Axis

Europe's political and military power. Their main goal is to expand and be the highest power, and they work very much like a superior empire. Australia was evacuated and turned into a military base for their purposes. Technically, they shouldn't be invading or attacking, having agreed to a truce with the other powers a short time ago, but the rest of the world is well-aware that they haven't stopped despite what they said.


Roderich Edelstein [Austria]


Elizaveta Héderváry [Hungary]


Vash Zwingli [Switzerland]



Ludwig Beilschmidt [Germany]

Feliciano Vargas [Italy Veneziano]


The Kingdom

The ruling power of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales - all four broke away from Europe at the beginning of the Territorial War, but are not a united nation; there are still very distinct borders, discrimination and internal affairs between them, but they're ruled by the same group.

Royal Family

Victoria Kirkland [ -- ]

The Queen. Mother of Arthur and Peter. She managed to secure herself full reign of the Kingdom after her husband's death (and many maintain that she arranged his murder). While she was not the one that disowned Arthur from the family, she holds just as much against the Rebellion as her husband did.

Peter Kirkland [Sealand]

The prince. Arthur's younger brother, but he's considered the "only son" of the Kirkland family. He idolises his brother and the Rebellion, and wants to grow up to be a sky-pirate.

Brigid Erin Aien O'Donnell [(Republic of) Ireland]

Finn O'Donnell [North Ireland]

Douglas McRae [Scotland]

Llewellyn Rhydderch [Wales]

The Bolsheviks

Mostly refugees and ex-soldiers who joined for one reason or another; usually, either because they had nowhere else to go, or because they hate the state of the world and can't find a better solution than Communism.

Ivan Braginski [Russia]

Toris Lorinaitis [Lithuania]

Raivis Galante [Latvia]

Eduard von Bock [Estonia]

Feliks Łukasiewicz [Poland]

Nataliya Arlovskaya [Belarus]

Yekaterina "Katyusha" Braginski [Ukraine]

The Merchants

The only neutralists in the midst of the war; some of them are land-bound, some are easier to find on sea or in air. They do their best not to take sides, but some will share more with a friend than a stranger. They're not exactly fond of the Bolsheviks, but they take business where they can get it.

Gupta Muhammad Hassan [Egypt]

Im Yong Soo [S. Korea]

Wang Yao [China]

The oldest of the Wang siblings; he's apparently much older than he looks, but refuses to tell his real age.

Wang Mei Lin [Taiwan]

Wang Xi [Hong Kong]


The Territorial War

The major international war, occurring in the late 1800's, long into almost the mid-1900's. Previous to the declaration of war, all of the nation's relationships were strained, there were recessions breaking out constantly, and politics had turned sour, more often than not corrupt; it's still unsure what caused it, but the breaking point was reached all over the world, and war quickly broke out.

The name of the war is attributed to what seemed to be the main focus for all powers involved - to seize land and rule from other nations, and form some kind of super empire. Constant attacks weren't common towards the end of the war, but it had yet to be declared over because of the still-shifting ownership of land, which didn't finish until all parties involved finally called an end to the war in 1939.

Powers involved in the Territorial War:

The Kingdom: The alliance of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Formerly a part of Europe, they broke off immediately following the outbreak of war, trying to keep the colonies and land under their rule out of the control of Europe. This didn't work as well as they had hoped, as the Axis seized Australia in 1932, and New Zealand shortly after.

The Kingdom managed to avoid serious conflict with most powers, sans the Axis, as they took the side of defensive over offensive, trying to protect the territory they had already claimed. There were brief disputes over ex-English colonies, such as those situated in Asia and even America, but most of these were settled without direct conflict, usually in the other party's favour.

The Axis: One of the main powers involved in the war, encompassing all European nations that could be coerced into participating in the war; nations under the influence of Russia sided with the USSR, and nations of upper Europe - Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Denmark and the Netherlands - preferred to remain neutral.

They were mainly focused on overtaking Russia and its allies, but their main enemy became the Kingdom after several disputes over French-English territory. They attempted to invade many English-claimed lands, including America and Canada, but their most successful venture was the capture of Australia and New Zealand, the former of which was evacuated and turned into a large military base. From there, the warfare against Russia only got worse.

The Axis were the last party to agree to ending the war, and only did so after the USSR had broken up.

The USSR: The other main power involved in the war, composed of Russia and all of its bordering nations; Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova and Georgia (still part of Russia at the time).

The Republic of Asia: Usually referred to simply as "the Republic". The reluctant union of all of Asia, sans Russia, they were later joined by Africa (who maintained that they were a separate party, simply allied to the Republic).

The United States: The neutral alliance of Canada and the United States of America, simply called the "United States". They refused to take a side throughout the entirety of the war, and had to fight off both the Kingdom and the Axis, who were attempting to invade and claim the ex-colonies for their own.

Neutralists: Countries that openly declared themselves neutral, or didn't take a side with the established powers, were not disregarded or protected from the war; they weren't attacked collectively or from afar, but they could be invaded at any time, which led to battle and direct conflict unless they defected to the particular side attempting to claim them.

The main rule in place for neutral nations was that they could not attack or invade, but they could attack invading powers on their own land. Neutralist nations were not to be bombed or attacked at all without the intention of claiming the land.

Obviously that's not all of the characters that will show because I'm not done yet, and I have to write up little profile bits for all of them, and finish the explanations of wars/events/etc. but if you have suggestions/want to see a certain country/want to tell me how much I suck, do so! ♥

Also /steals Fel's awesome names forever.

s: hetalia, !notes

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