Application for Gargleblasted

Nov 13, 2010 21:08


Name: Gamegirl
Are you over 16?: Yes
Personal LJ: gamegirl244
Timezone: Mountain Daylight
Other contact: MSN: Deviantart: gamegirl244
Characters already in the game: CR-S01 from Trauma Team, Naoki Kashima from SMT III: Nocturne, Judas from Tales of Destiny 2, Guilmon from Digimon Tamers
How did you find us?: Been here since August 2010


Character name: Nuregami
Fandom: Okami
Timeline: Postgame
Age: In human form she appears to be late teens (18, 19), but in reality she is ancient (100+ years, probably more)
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Nuregami is one of the Brush Gods of Nippon, and possesses one of the Brush Techniques; this is a signature special ability that each of the gods are able to perform with ink. Nuregami’s technique is called Waterspout, which enables her to create geysers of water or to manipulate water (or any kind of liquid) such as transporting it from one source to another like a stream. The drawback to this is that she needs a source of water present to manipulate, but this can be anything; from water to alcohol, as long as it is liquid she can manipulate it. Her second ability is the Deluge technique, which can summon rain for a short period of time. In-game, these techniques are done when you bring up the paintbrush option and draw a line from a water source to either another area (like a bowl or a fire) or vertically up (creating a geyser) for Waterspout, and two vertical lines for Deluge. It might seem a bit difficult to picture, so for the sake of this roleplay I’ll say that Nuregami has her Celestial Brush with her so that she can create and use the magic ink required for these techniques.

Because she is a Goddess, Nuregami is most likely very difficult to kill. That’s not to say she is immortal, as she can be defeated by someone whose powers outweigh her own, but it would take a large amount of power to do so. Nuregami is also able to assume multiple forms. Her true form is a white snake within a round bottle of water. The snake can either live in or outside of the bottle. She can also transform into a human guise, which she normally uses when interacting with humans.

How would they use their abilities?: Nuregami isn’t the type of person who would misuse her powers or offer them for someone with ill intentions. That’s not to say she wouldn’t withhold her powers from others; it’s a matter of who would need them and how badly they would need them, and what they would use them for. It would take something incredibly significant for Nuregami to use her powers for ill use of her own free will.

Appearance: Similar to the other Brush Gods, Nuregami’s takes the form of one of the Eastern Zodiac animals. Her form is that of the Snake, roughly 1.5 meters in length with white scales. The tip of her tail is black, like ink. Red markings streak down from her head to her tail and around her face and eyes, and she has small wing-like appendages on the sides of her head, looking like they could pass for ears. Like Amaterasu and the others in her family, the markings and extra appendages can only be seen by those who truly believe. She is usually inside a large, spherical glass bottle filled with water and corked shut, with wave-like engraved gold wrapping around the bottom of the bottle. The snake can live in the bottle or out of it, but often needs assistance opening the bottle.

In human form, Nuregami is a rather short young woman, appearing to be in her late teens. Her skin is pale, and she wears a red and white kimono. Her hair extends almost to the floor and is white, the ends fading to black. Like her snake form she does have red markings, but again these are only visible to those who believe.

A picture for your viewing pleasure:

Snake Form:

Human Form:

Background/Personality: A quick note, like the other Brush Gods in the game, a lot of this information is based on headcanon and assumption based on events that take place in-game.

Okami tells the story of Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess of Nippon, and how she fought to restore peace to the land and vanquish evil. It all started with the rise of Orochi, a vile snake-like demon with eight heads, each controlling a different element. With the rise of this fearsome demon, he began to terrorize the small village of Kamiki. During the village’s annual festival, he would shoot a white arrow into the village, and the people of whoever’s house the arrow landed upon were forced to offer a sacrifice to give to Orochi to devour. This happened for 99 years, and on the 100th year the arrow fell on the roof of Nami, a beautiful maiden. Unwilling to sit back and allow his beloved to be devoured by Orochi, the great warrior Nagi stepped forward and went in Nami’s place dressed as a woman. When he arrived at Orochi’s lair, he confronted the demon and fought with him to protect Nami and the village.

Despite all of Nagi’s strength, Orochi was too much for him to handle. Right when things looked their worst, a white wolf came to Nagi’s aid. This wolf was Amaterasu, but was known as Shiranui by the residents of the village. She lent her strength to Nagi, and together they were able to seal the demon away in his lair. This victory didn’t come with a cost, as Shiranui suffered serious wounds from the battle. Nagi carried her back to Kamiki village, where she breathed her last breath and died. The villagers hailed her as a hero and built a statue in memory of her. Though Amaterasu had died, her spirit remained dormant within the monumental statue.

With Amaterasu’s death, the 13 brush gods were scattered throughout Nippon, along with their Brush techniques. Though Nuregami wished to be as close to her Mother’s spirit as possible, she could not stay so far away from water without feeling great discomfort. Instead, she took refuge in Sasa Sanctuary, a small inn run by sparrows who only allowed kind-hearted individuals to enter. The Sanctuary was known for its warm hospitality and hot springs, and the abundance of fresh water is what brought Nuregami to reside there. Here she waited, turning herself into a constellation while she patiently anticipated her mother’s return. Like her other siblings, she would not accept or believe that her mother was truly gone.

All of her waiting paid off, for Amaterasu was revived by the tree sprite Sakuya to fight the evil that was once again plaguing the land. Nuregami was able to be reunited with her mother and pass on her Brush Techniques (Deluge and Waterspout) back to her, and Amaterasu went on to reunite the other Brush Gods and use their powers against the forces of evil.

Personality-wise, Nuregami is a very kind individual and a caring Goddess. Much like water nurturing the soil, she has an urge to help nurture those who are in need of aid. She isn’t normally one to get into fights, preferring to either try to work things out peacefully or avoid hostility altogether. Nuregami has a bit of a fragile nature, and is very easily upset to the point of tears; if upset enough, it will begin to rain for as long and hard as she is sorrowful. If Nuregami becomes sad, she often won’t become happy again unless she is comforted by someone. People may have to be careful when talking to her so that she feels comfortable talking, but once she reaches that stage you will find this Water Goddess to be a kind and caring individual with a big heart.

Have you read up on how the game works?: Yes. The guide plug-in is called the FlamingFerret, and you can earn money through a Mission/Job, Freelance, or Mooching.

1st person sample:

O-Oh…What is this place?

[A sad-sounding voice comes onto the Guide, and we see a young woman in a red and white kimono and long white hair. If there’s anyone who believes in the gods, there are red markings along her body. She’s looking over the Guide, confusion all over her face. She seems close to tears.]

They said that…They said Nippon was gone…that can’t be true, can it?

[Her confusion mingles with sorrow, and a few tears begin to fall. She quickly brings her sleeve up to her eyes to wipe the tears away.]

Where are the others? Y-Yomigami? Itegami? …M-Mother?

Is everyone also gone…?

[Her eyes are filled with tears, and her lower lip trembles slightly. She covers her face with her sleeves, sobbing softly. Suddenly, a drop of water falls on the Guide screen. Then another, and another…a small drizzle of rain begins falling.]

3rd person sample:

If there was anywhere aboard the Thor that Nuregami felt at peace, it was in the giant lake.

This lake, or Swimming Pool as she heard some people call it, seemed to be primarily dedicated to those who wished to be at ease and feel at one with the water. The lake had its inhabitants in the form of Dolphins, but they were exceedingly welcoming to the water goddess. Mother Amaterasu had shown her various other places around the ship, and Nuregami was surprised to discover that even though much of the ship was dedicated to mortal necessities there were still places of nature present. One such place was the Garden, filled with countless flowers, trees, and grasses. There were a few small creeks and lakes present, but the place that appealed the most to the water goddess was this great lake.

Taking to her natural, serpent form, Nuregami swam through the salty currents and frolicked alongside the playful dolphins. This place was so helpful to her, and helped her cope with the loss of her world. Oh how she had cried when she learned that Nipon was no more; Mother Amaterasu was worried that she would flood the whole Garden with the rain that her tears brought. But Nuregami was slowly recovering, and she had found that this place was not as terrible as she had imagined. Still, her heart yearned for Nippon, and she hoped that with her mother’s aid they would see that Nippon would once again flourish. Until then, the ship would be her home, and this great lake her refuge.

Questions?: No

Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yes


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