Change My Tone (Second-To-Last Entry)

Jul 10, 2006 17:58

I guess the LiveJournal fad has been winding down for more than year now, what with the rise of MySpace, Facebook, and a multitude of other "social networks". I know that I don't really feel the desire to air my thoughts to strangers anymore, and I guess you don't either. It must have been some wave of collective insanity. I mean, geez, posting your inner-most thoughts where anyone can read them? Most of the people on my Friends List that I knew or met in Real LifeTM got a clue ages ago. Or else they just lost interest and stopped updating. As for my "Internet friends" (Hello, AFI board members!) who are still around, it was always great reading what was on your mind, whether it your frustrations, your hopes, your plans, or just idle musings. Really.

I've been posting here, off and on, for over four years now, and I don't believe it would be right to let this extended stream-of-consciousness trickle out lacking a (cathartic?) resolution. God forbid it end with some cliffhanger like so many other LiveJournals, where the author just had the OMG! Worst Day Evar! and never posts again.

So, having just reached the ripe-old age of twenty-four, I'm writing this second-to-last entry in my LiveJournal. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, but now I need to put away childish things. Or some-such nonsense. Even now, I'm approaching a crossroads in my life. But I'd have one more look at these past entries, sloppy leavings filled with the wonder and wreckage of someone young and naive. And I'd give due credit to those who, in some strange capacity, made an imprint on my life before stepping out of the story: Mark, Jeremy, Vadas, Liz, Grace, Jason, Ross, Justin, Melinda, Kaye, Angie, Will, Dave, Obie, and Ashley. Thanks. Maybe we'll bump into each other further down line, shopping for Depends and Metamucil.
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