going to hannahs tomorrow :DDD
YAAY. staying up to 6am obv. and having awesome talks; it's rly nice cause you learn even more about each other and you find stuff to do and talk about. and the time just passes so freakin quickly without you realising it.
just awesome way to spend the night :)
went to nottingham yesterday with mum.
trains make me sleepy. first time I was gonna get on it I was shit scared; i'm not a fan of trains >_>
01. My name is Jenna
02. My middle name is Rose
03. I'm 21
04. And i live alone in an apartment
05. I go to school
06. Several piercings
07. I have my belly button pierced
08. 3 tattoos
09. I do like to dance, only problem is, i dont really know how to
10. I love music
11. i have no siblings
12. i can't give their names cuz i have no siblings
13. i've had part time jobs
14. I dont think ill be gettin a full time job over the summer
15. Dont like milk
16. I love taking pictures
17. 3rd yr of college
18. I don't Have the new Brittney CD
19. I love making people laugh and smile
20. I cant cross my eyes
21. No idea when I graduate completely
22. Never done drugs
23. I love summer
24. I was born in NY
25. i lived in NY till i was 20, then i came to NC for school, but my permanent residence is still NY
26. I don't love to party
27. I love the sound of laughter
28. I'm open but only with certain people.
29. I'm shy
30. i'd like to think i'm in love right now.
31. And had my heart broken in a million pieces.
32. I worry a lot
33. finally got my hair back to its original color
34. Porn is ok - depends what :']
35. I wanna visit somewhere warm and tropical
36. I am less forgiving than I should be at times, i hold grudges
37. I worry a lot
38. i took ballet for 15 years
39. I dont want to get my nose pierced
40. I did not figure skate as a sport
41. i've had beer, even tho i hate it
42. I enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing
43. I'm un-organized
44. wouldnt be a stripper
45. liked legos when i was little
46. I'm a natural brunette
47. i listen to oldies, metal, rock, some rap.
48. i think i'm independent
49. i have grey eyes
50. being online is ok
I fear...
[ ] gay people
[x] the dark
[x] being single forever
[x] being a parent
[ ] being myself in front of others
[ ] open spaces
[x] closed spaces
Total: 4
[x] heights
[ ] black cats
[x] birds
[ ] fish
[ ] ants
[ ] driving
[x] flying
[ ] flowers or other plants
[ ] being touched
[ ] fire
Total: 3
[x] dark water
[ ] the ocean
[x] failure
[ ] success
[x] thunder/lightning
[x] frogs/toads
[ ] my boy/girlfriends/(ex)boy/girlfriends dad
[ ] my boy/girlfriends/(ex)boy/girlfriends mom
[x] mice/rats
[x] jumping from high places
[ ] snow
[ ] rain
Total: 6
[ ] wind
[ ] cotton balls
[ ] cemeteries
[x] clowns
[x] large crowds
[ ] crossing bridges
[x] death for yourself or loved ones
[ ] heaven
[x] being robbed
[ ] men
[ ] women
Total: 4
[ ] having great responsibility
[x] doctors, including dentists
[ ] tornadoes
[x] hurricanes
[x] diseases
[ ] snakes
[x] sharks
[ ] shots
[x] Friday the 13th
[ ] ghosts
Total: 5
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school
[x] trains or railroads
[ ] odd numbers
[ ] even numbers
[x] being blind
[x] being deaf
[x] growing up
Total: 4
[x] monsters under my bed
[x] creepy noises in the night
[ ] bee stings
[x] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[ ] needles
[ ] blood
[x] someone you love or care about getting hurt
[ ] love
[x] spiders
Total: 5
If you get more than 30 you're paranoid. LOL.
If you get 21 to 29 you’re normal.
If you get 11 to 20 you're pretty normal.
If you get 10 or less, you're fearless.
People who don't have any are jerks who think they're tough.
Everybody fears something.