Nov 30, 2006 18:22
And it's so great, because .. well you know how you can be happy but not feel it? well today I felt it; and it's the first time i've been happy for ages. I know it sounds stupid, but i think it's the first time since i fell out with rhianne that i realised that I actually have the best friends in the world and they actually care, and i dno. they're just the best friends i could ever have and i don't think they're ever gonna abandon me; get tired of me; sick of me or anything like that so i just realised how awesome they've been to me, and i just feel so so so lucky cause they've put up with everything and helped me through the cutting and everything. i'm just so grateful to have them with me you know.
so anyway onto today.
Melissa and Becca were being rate bitches to this fat lass (hypocritical i know) in my form, saying all this shit about her being a lesbian and her hair being greasy. I felt really bad for her cause i know how it feels.
saskia and ben seemed to feel the same way cause they just looked at me as if to say 'i know' and stuff.
art. well that lessons just a bit crap but it goes really quick. talked to ben;
'ben how do you draw beds'
'kerry i'm drawing my lounge, there is no bed there'
'oh.. are you sure?'
humanities. god that lesson is BORING.
break. hmm i hate martin and liam. i mean what the fuck are they?! they're just a waste of space. go away pls.
i beat ben up and accidentally - I DIDN'T MEAN TO - hit him in the eye. i meant to hit him but not in the eye >_> he wouldn't forgive me.
then he did.
opening minds is well funny. ben was being dead quiet at the start and it freaked me out. i hate justin.
andy looked so different today, and arrghh he's SO HOT. *squee* spazzed out a bit randomly.
i sprayed ben with my deodrant and he stole my coat! he started making dodgy noises being all Yoda sounding and doing this REALLY dodgy laugh, it was hilarious.
'ben, i WILL go to extreme lengths to get it back'
'what lengths?'
'lets just say extreme'
'like how?'
*was going to do it (don't ask pls) and jemma walks past*
*she gets it me*
'hey! that's not fair! that's too extreme! she's like a boy =['
i sprayed him again and he took my coat.
walking down to maths i had to walk behind mr strafford. I was all 'PLEASE DON'T LET MY CLASS BE DOWN THERE; OH GOD DON'T BE THERE' and they weren't. *giggles insanely* oh the stuff i thi..see. *dies*
maths is crappity as usual but paddy looked .. sort of.. ish.. hot. i don't fancy him but he did honestly look hot.
playing with becka's ipod and all of a sudden i hear loads of 'KEEERRREEEEEEEEEE' coming from random places and i look up all confused and stuff, and i knew mr strafford was somewhere and apparantly he was at the door but i didn't see him.. =[.
break again. hannahs growing and it's freaky.
it's like 'right body, you're 14. ONE TWO THREE AND GROW, ONE TWO THREE AND GROW' every second. stop ?
humanities was so funny seriously, tasha oh god she's hilarious. i love her.
lizzie knows i fancy mr strafford. i've said that name a lot in this entry. hmm X''D
got matt willis' new album and MCR's new album