Oct 19, 2006 15:31
lmao gave everyone their birthday invitations. the looks on their faces xDD tasha didn't realise it was a birthday invite lmao. thicko.
ben keeps laughing at me in form about thursday with andy. psshhhh.
i was tired and apparantly he was so he was like 'you + me = *sleep*' and i was all 'LOL' so yeh.
keep giving each other evils throughout form, and then the day xD
art was poo as usual. drawing the still life things again.
Talking about ghosts and stuff. hannah was shitting herself then tyran overheard us and decided to make her jump, it was well funny. all day everyones thrown coats over her head cause of what mr. tipping said xD
humanities. god i friggen hate this lesson it's boring as shit.
just talking. laughed about the mullet again.
break. Baggaley and andy WTF X''D 'andy come show them the sex position'
'you what'
*andy goes*
'lie down on the bench'
*Baggaley spreads andys legs and sits inbetween them*
LMAOWTFWTFWTF. i think he's a bit sexually fustrated because of bex. makes us laugh.
Aaandddyy :]. but he tried to force my head down again and ben talked about it rofl.
opening minds.
new seating plan in tables and stuff so me and jodie go to one, then I see andy+ben so i say JODIECMONCMONLETSSITWITHTHEM cause miss said it was boy/girl so yayay sat next to ben, jodie opposite and andy diagonal =].
Ben was pratting about and stuff lmao biting me so i bit him back, then he tries to eat my coat, then my pen =|.
ben: LETS PLAY DARES i dare you to kiss andy on the cheek
'um no'
'andy kiss kerry on the cheek'
'no, you'
ben keeps holding my hand and kissing it and all this lmao.
andy took my pen and threatened to throw it out the window from the other side of the class unless i gave him a kiss. i refused (i wish i hadn't lmao) and he almost got it out the window but it missed [:.
Went down to maths.
leaning on ben cause i was tired. he kissed my head. wtf xD.
maths was shit.
me flicking bits of rubber with beckas ruler, then it hit the ceiling and landed in arrons lap X''D.
i snapped her ruler, and then i got a dolphin rubber and was making them have sex because illsley told me how they have sex.
umm, yeh. mr pelleschi going 'BE QUIET' down the corridor lmaowtf.
Humanities again.
i don't like all this talk tashas on with. she seriously gets me worried sometimes and i know i worry too much but i can't help it so yeh.
Walking home. Ashley+lizzie see me so they shout KERRY and then lizzies all a bitch and makes ashley walk off when I try to go to them, so I walk off on my own. god lizzies a bitch sometimes =/.
Walked home with pie. aww he's well sweet about gina :] i'm not suprised she likes him. no i don't like him, but he's really sweet and nice and just awww. it was cute.