Name: Mitchell
Are you over 16?: yes
Personal LJ:
beansaladEmail: beansalad@gmail.com
Timezone: Central
Other contact: Aim: Mitchissupercool
Characters already in the game: none for now :)
How did you find us?: A friend,
gonsai, actually. But I gained more interest with Dear_mun and that sort of think.
Character name: Deku Princess
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Timeline: Link stopped the moon, but alas, couldn't stop timelinesplosion (Post-Majora's Mask)
Age: 12
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: -Able to shoot Deku Nuts and bubbles out of her mouth (although a Lady rarely does such things).
-Can squeeze into very small places, this includes, but is not limited to: Bottles, cracks in walls, tree stumps, and glove compartments.
-Fantastic jumping skills, can jump about 9-15 ft in the air.
-Cannot swim, however can bounce gracefully across the water.
-Can plant herself into the ground, causing it to only look there is a plant in the ground. Excellent for hiding in nature.
-If given the time to plant a Deku flower, she can climb into it and fly into the air for a brief period of time.
-She is also proficient in music, knowing how to play various Deku wind instruments, including the Deku Pipes
How would they use their abilities?: The Deku Princess rarely uses such powers, as royalty does not do much in the ways of "dirty work". However she has from time to time used these powers for investigation purposes. If she wants something or is trying to find out pieces of information, she will usually use these skills to get what she needs or wants.
Appearance: The Deku Princess is extremely plant-like in appearance, this being that she's a plant. Her round head is similar to that of other Deku, a round snout that is used as a mouth and nose. Her eyes are directly above them, with rosy cheeks and white dots toward the center of her head. Her "hair" is long a leafy. She wears a tiara which is adorned with lilac flowers. At the end of her hair is a large purple flower which is held in place by a metal cuff. Her royal dress is very similar to the petals of a flower. Red and a very light purple its sleeves almost too long for her arms. In Deku culture she is considered to be very beautiful.
Background/Personality: The Deku Princess has two very drastic sides to her. Her father, The Deku King, is oblivious to what is going on in the world (perhaps due to the absences of the Deku Queen, of which the King and Princess rarely speak). The Deku Princess was very much the ruling authority of the entire Southern Swamp kingdom. Tutored by the Royal Butler, she learned much of the world she lived in and the long history of the Deku Royal Family. She has become extremely wise and almost runs the Deku Kingdom
During her life, however, she was spoiled much by her father, which brought out a rather spoiled and darker side. The Deku Princess is very wise and very intelligent, but when provoked or angry she lashes out in a very rageful way. The Deku Royal Guard has, unfortunately, seen this vicious side of the Princess. But the Butler had taught her many ways to control her anger and, although she still lashes out from time to time, she has much improved on her temper.
Not much is known about her mother. The Princess has very few memories, because of this she formed a very close bound to the Royal Butler, who practically raised her since she was a young child. During that time she became very close the Butler's son, who was always encouraging her to learn more about other worlds and other races. The Deku King had laid down strict laws that no one other than the Deku could come into the palace. But the Deku Princess was always curious about other races. One day the Butler's son decided to visit Clock Town a few months before the grand festival, promising he would only be gone for a few days.
He never returned. This devastated the Princess, however her hope was regained when Link rescued her and saved the Swamp. After this she realized that although he was gone, she could still keep his spirit alive, and began to travel to different tribes around Termina, rebuilding the Deku Tribe's relationship with those outside the swamp. Before Termina's destruction she was able to rebuild the tribes trade with the Goron's and was making plans to open up the Palace to the Mayor of Clock town.
Have you read up on how the game works?: Flaming Ferrit of course! And for money, the character is given a small amount of starting money, but to get more money characters must take on missions on the ship or by doing jobs for characters that they post and request workers for. One may also steal, borrow, beg, plead and so on and so forth.
1st person sample: I once saw the end of my world. I dreamed of the moon crashing down, fire scorching even the swamps. But it was stopped, He had saved us. My foolish father did not take notice, even to the moon before. Now that we were saved, I thought of how great the Deku kingdom could be. We opened our doors to all nations, the Gorons, the Zora, even the people of Clock Town. We were all at peace.
But not soon after that wonderful time, it just stopped. It was almost like there was nothing anymore. No more happiness, no more royal dinners with all the tribes of Termina, and no more of the Deku. We were gone. I floated in that darkness for what felt like eternity. I was angry. So angry I could have taken down my entire Royal Guard with just a look. But I realized I was being given a second chance. A chance to become the Ruler the Butler and my Father had always wanted me to be.
3rd person sample:
There was no moon in the sky tonight. Most wondered if the moon would ever return. Others prayed that the sky would remain empty. The Deku Princess was one the few who truly knew they were safe. She sat on the edge of a large lily-pad outside the palace, starring into the sky, "I wonder what other worlds are out there." she sighed.
"I am not sure your Majesty," the Deku Butler stood behind her, his hands behind back "Best not to think about that. Your duty is here in the swamps."
"Yes but don't you dream? Mr. Link was not from here. I want to travel to his homeland! Do you think there are Deku there?" she stood up and brushed here self off before jumping into the water. Elegantly she bounced off spinning onto the next lily-pad.
"Perhaps your majesty," the Butler's parasol spinning lifting him into the air following the Princess.
"During my research," she jumped again spinning toward the palace gates, "I found an, interesting poem, it spoke of a split in time a long time ago. All tribes made a choice, dividing everyone to two sides. I bet there are Deku else where."
They arrived at the gates, the guard nodding and retreating into there pods to let them pass, "You have a vivid imagination young Princess, you will make a wonderful Queen." the Butler patted her on the head, she smiled as much as a Deku can smile.
"I will take our tribe beyond the stars!" she hugged the Butlers legs, "Goodnight!" and walked off toward her chamber with visions of the worlds she might someday see.
No longer applies, no longer playing in this game.