Vengeance is my side arm where this is concerned....

Nov 13, 2011 21:45

- noun 1. infliction of harm in retaliation for a wrong

I have always been a vengeful person when it comes to where I'm concerned. One wrong and my automatic reaction is to rear back and strike hard and fast in the most vicious way possible. It's not the best trait to have, but it's a comfortable cloak I've wrapped about myself in a lifetime of spiteful people.

Raul's family meeting yesterday settled some things... I guess... But I wouldn't know since Raul refuses to talk about it. I'm not going to push him to talk about it, but I just asked my two questions and was done with it. But I will admit that there are some things that bother me. He keeps talking about if I had problems that I need to talk to his family and that his sister is still not coming to ANY of our holidays.

My brain has pretty much decided to detach and be an outsider until I see some change. I've put forth far too much effort to pretty much get no return on it. I've checked out and plan on just fucking enjoying my life right now and being with Raul is part of that happiness even if his family members are being judgmental. And I thought my family was the one to worry about...

I just needed somewhere to vent I guess since Raul pretty much said he didn't want me talking about it to our friends or anyone else. Just you LJ where there's some anonymity ...

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