I know it's been forever but holy Toledo have I been busy. I know that's the likely excuse but with getting my teaching license in order, getting my classes finished, my things all in order for my classes to start (oh god I'll have students!), and then everything else on top of it.
The sister "ordeal" has had its up and downs and it's been bumpy, stressful, and frankly I told my parents that it's out of my hands because I can't deal with it anymore. I'm moving out in October (yay! finally, sleepovers with Raul and personal time!) and I frankly don't know if I'd keep close to her. I've tried so much but it's like she won't meet me halfway.
Anyway! I've been trying to get my Renaissance costume in order and I'm pretty sure that I'm going as a barbarian.
This is my inspiration picture. I will not be wearing the itsy bitsy bottoms. NO NO and No, no matter how much Raul gives me the puppy dog eyes.
Speaking of Raul, he donated his hair and is now sexier than eveeeeeer.
Here is proof lol
But Here's some pieces I either want to recreate, purchase, or something.... anyone who knows costuming, or anything like that suggestions would help SO MUCH.
The Belt which is more like a waist cinch than anything.
The cape I can dye rough linen and rough it up pretty easy, those boots I have some in brown kind of like it or I can find the traditional-ish ones for about 30/40 bucks. and any other assundry is pretty easy, it's just that bodice and pauldrons that I'm lost on...
I've seen pretty awesome tutorials on
Jia Jem which her costumes are pretty awesome... but... yeah... help? opinions?