Jun 27, 2010 19:10
I'm watching District 9 and that is sooooo my favorite line. It's an awesome analysis of Apartheid done in such a way that it tricks you in to it.
Yes, I know it seems that I've been away entirely too long but life is pretty much gone in to hyperdrive since I graduated and got into my Teacher Certification Internship. I've been taking state boards, going to courses, and of course applying like a fiend to a bunch of schools.
I have my first interview for a middle school tomorrow morning and I'm so nervous about getting in right. As of right now I'm just so excited that I want to just GET a job. I can start anywhere and move around after I get in to the district. One step closer to independence!
In other weird news.... I totally had what I deem a pregnancy scare, Raul called it a worry. I was supposed to have gotten my period on the 14th... still never did, but Raul took me to get a pregnancy test just to allay my fears. It was negative. phew! I read up on my BC and it says it can eliminate my period after 6 months, well it's month 6. It totally made all my worries go away. But man was I sweating it for about 48 hours.
But Raul and I are still going strong obviously and we get to go on a mini vacation next month to Tulsa! Yay!