Some of you may have heard about the car wreck I was in, or that I've quit drinking, some of you have supported it...most of you have actually.. and I appreciate that because right now thats what I need from you, my friends and my family, is support.
For those of you that don't support me and continue to shame me, have a nice life, I don't need you in it.
On December 23rd I went to Dallas for a Christmas party, not planning on drinking.. but for some reason I decided I would drink, instead of having one, i had one after the other, then I decided to selfishly get behind the wheel of my car and drive back to Waco, on my way home my friend and I opened a bottle of wine, and again selfishly decided to drink it on the way home, when I got into Hillsboro I started to doze off, when I remember waking up, or opening my eyes, I was going into my right lane, I then struck a Truck, when I realized what was going on I tried to correct it and over corrected and ended up slamming into the cement wall.
After that I spun, and don't remember everything after that... I remember bits and pieces, like hitting the steering wheel with my face breaking my nose, busting my knee, and cutting my feet up.
I remember apologizing to my friend, thankfully they were there...and I am blessed they weren't hurt, but they decided we needed to get out of the vehicle once it had stopped, from what I remember it was off in the far left lane, maybe somewhat in the road I couldn't tell you.
We crossed the street and as I was standing there another vehicle struck it from behind, from what I was told it was a 4 car accident, including my car, and from what I was told no one else was hurt in this accident,
I could have killed people, myself and my friend.
I couldn't ever get that back, but I was lucky enough to only have a broken nose, and some scratches, I walked away from this wreck this time, but what about next time?
thats what scares me, so I'm not going to have a next time.
So now I am charged with a D.W.I second offense.
I have a problem with Drinking, I don't always drink till I get drunk, I don't always drink everyday, but when I do drink and get drunk I make horrible decisions, life threatening decisions, and it only takes once to hurt someone, or myself.
Would you want to be my friend if I was the person drunk driving and hurting people?
Would you be my friend if I were in prison? would you write me? would you come visit me? or put money on my books?
those are the questions I am curious to ask to the people who don't support me and tell me that " You can still drink, you just have to be more careful", and "make better decisions", "Just don't drive"
Well if I could be more careful, make better decisions, and not drive, I wouldn't be in the situation I am in today.
I put myself in rehabiliation treatment center for my problem, I am hoping I can learn something and get something out of this and realize that I can be okay without drinking, I just haven't given myself the chance to know what it's like.
Anyways I figure I could just share this with anyone that was curious to know what happened, and what was going on in my life, this is a big wake up call for me, and I am trying to do something better with myself rather than ignore the whole situation.
I don't ask for pity, I chose to go down this road, and I am trying to make it better, all I'm asking is, don't judge me, I made a big mistake, I'm not the first person to do it, and I know unfortunately not the last, all I can say is I am trying to learn from these mistakes and be a better, smarter person.