Mar 15, 2007 23:57
I really shouldn't be watching cable, but I'm just so intrigued by the HK drama about the Police Academy (titled The Academy)!!!
Reminds me of those days when I was in uniform.....
Kinda miss those communal times...... Bit tough, but I still enjoyed it. Very much.
Everyone thought I'm weak, can't make it, will hate it. Contrary, I loved it, made it, was better off than the thought-to-be-macho-strong guys. [Moral of the story: Never judge a book by its cover! Some look macho but are gu-niangs!]
I miss those days!
The grass is always greener on the other side. When you're in it, u feel like shit and think it's living hell. When it's over, you reminiscent it.
PS: To those who belittled me - RIGHT BACK AT YA!