1. Anyone who looks at this entry please post this meme and their current wallpaper at their LiveJournal.
2. Explain in five sentences why you're using that wallpaper.
3. Don't change your wallpaper before doing this! The point is to see what you had on.
I've the feeling I should be reporting on an appropriate sense of shame, but no. I'm shallow and I love the pretty, what can I say. Wallpaper enthusiastically swiped from
I'm listening to Plug In Baby at an ear-splitting volume, and I don't think it's doing anything for my resentment towards the fact I couldn't afford a ticket to see Muse on their current tour. (Unlike EVERYONE ON MY FACEBOOK apparently. Okay, two people, BUT THEY KEEP MENTIONING IT.) However, I am in the mood for music so loud I can't hear my own teeth rattle, and on that front there are few songs that do it better. Wooooah!
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