I have my viva on Wednesday and am subsequently chewing holes through my beautifully manicured, electric-blue fingernails. The thought of sitting in a room for 30 minutes having my work ripped a new one before my very eyes, and then having to defend that work, does not sit well with me. How exactly does one prepare for a viva, other than re-read their work, throw herself to her knees and pray to the God she doesn't believe in that all all goes splendidly? I've already put my cheer-self-up plan into place: on Wednesday, after I have done being lambasted and made to feel scared and stupid, I'm going straight through to the cinema and I'm watching Star Trek again. I've never been on my own to the pictures, but there's a first time for everything, and I have no friends. Cunts.
In life, nothing is certain except death, taxes, and Uko's unremitting fetish for bloody men.