(no subject)

Apr 02, 2009 16:49

I don't know who Jenny McCarthy is, but I think I know enough to say that bitch needs to shut her dumbwhore mouth. It's statements like "I do believe sadly it's going to take some diseases coming back to realize that we need to change and develop vaccines that are safe" that KILL CHILDREN. Polio, mumps, measles, TB - none of these diseases is a fucking walk in the park. Polio cripples, mumps can make men infertile or cause meningitis. ALL can kill you. A quick glance at the WHO website (an organisation that knows significantly more than some knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing bint who thinks that having a disabled child magically confers her a medical degree and a scientific education) tells me 197,000 people died from measles in 2007. The autism links have been repeatedly and soundly torn to shreds by people who ACTUALLY KNOW what they are talking about. People who understand the scientific process, who know how vaccinations and the immune system work, people who don't run around like headless chickens screeching about the EVILS of the very subject which through thousands of years of work and thought and dedication has given us EVERYTHING that makes our lives in the developed world so fucking EASY, compared to how things were just, shit, 100 years ago. Go and talk to the people who can't fucking walk because they contracted polio as a child. Go to your local hospital and look at the TB patients -- they're invariably there, I promise you! TB cases are skyrocketing because of fuckwits like this woman who can't understand that correlation =/= causation, that "herd immunity" doesn't mean "everyone but me because I'm a special little snowflake with no ethics and social obligations whatsoever" (it actually means "everyone but the very young, the allergic and the immunosuppressed"), and that those EVIL SCIENTISTS in the pharmaceutical companies are NOT actually arguing with you because they're after your monies and souls, but because the sewage spewing from your mouth is actually INACCURATE, RIDICULOUS and most of all DANGEROUS because people DIE because of it. Sure, no vaccine is perfect just like any other drug. The human body is not a straightforward organism. It is not noughts-and-crosses, it's not even the Times crossword. It is unbelievably complicated and always individual, sometimes vaccines don't work, they have side effects. But most of the time they DO. Which is more than can be said for the diseases that vaccines prevent, which are almost inveriably shit to have. The evidence that vaccines actually work? the very fact that we can be so blase about these diseases.

Now stfu and get your fucking kids vaccinated. You'll appreciate it when they don't die of a preventable disease. Stagger the vaccines if you have to, but do it. If they do die because you thought you knew better than the evil scientists? You can blame yourself for that, because it's your fault. Have fun dealing with that.

interest: biology, interest: biomedical science, interest: medicine, thinky thoughts: bitching, thinky thoughts: rants

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