'He whispered "Press harder" and I did and his eyes rolled back'

Jul 02, 2009 14:01

So I've finally broken and decided to give the Star Trek XI kinkmemes some of my time. I'm the sort of person who prefers to read only on recommendation - I'm lazy, I like other people to do the vetting for me - but am seriously short on fanfic at the moment. My reccers aren't reccing, my favourite authors aren't writing, don't they know they work for me?? So yes, I'm doing the legwork myself for a change. And OH GOD there's so MUCH of it. Six kinkmemes, forty-odd pages each. I'm overwhelmed. Sticking to what I fancy - Kirk/McCoy, McCoy/Uhura, buddy!fic - but it's still taking forever. Will probably do some recs when I'm a little further into it but for now consider me sunk.

Random annoyance related to my where all de medicine at? post from earlier: I hate the simplification of medicine in science fiction. I know it's probably to do with the writers not having much of a medical background, but that doesn't mean an effort shouldn't be made. A universal panacaea for all known ills will never exist. Pathology is a wide and extremely complex area of study and disease will never be simple. Advancement in medicine comes from more diverse methods of detection and treatment, not less, and I don't for a minute doubt that in the future medicine will be even more complicated than it is now. I just wish some people would realise this, because it makes me sad. I do not like to think that in the future my chosen career will become obsolete.

Second annoyance: Medical insurance in futurefic. I'm British and believe the mark of a civilised country is socialised medicine. I do not like to think that relatively "utopian" societies still rely on their patients having money in order to be treated/not die. It is a form of eugenics and I do not care for it. (On the other hand, if anyone has McCoy fic in which he actively fights for a patient/patients without said insurance I will READ THE SHIT out of it. I have weird kinks?)

And seeing as this has turned into a medical post, a couple of recs. First, a proper medical blog. Orac is a surgeon and a scientist and he makes me happy. He regularly makes posts on the anti-vaccination movement and homeopathic medicine and suitably lays into the idiocy/danger of both in a way I wish I could but hey, I'm not that clever. Very interesting blog for those of us who like that sort of thing.

Secondly, I was watching the Scrubs episode My House today in which a patient is diagnosed with takotsubo cardiomyopathy i.e. "broken heart syndrome", a condition which can be brought on by grief. So how do you mend a broken heart? Easy:

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internet: blogs, fandom: star trek, interest: medicine, fanfiction, telly: scrubs, videos, kittens

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